01 : Dahyun & Eunwoo

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"It won't leave a scar." I felt relieved when the doctor said that. Eunwoo and Hansol are outside with my babies since they are the ones who took me to the nearest hospital in the area. Jin oppa said that he'll be on his way soon. "But..." My heart suddenly beated fast once more when he said that conjunction. "...it's a bit strange when you hurt your chin. You see, when you fall down, the automatic reaction of the body is to put your hands out on the chest area to prevent your head and body from getting hurt first." He then took out my palms and pointed it. "You don't have any wound on your palm which means that you didn't have that automatic reaction."

I gulped because it feels like my body did something really awful that might affect me that bad. "Doc," he looked at me in a serious manner. I wanted to tell him about the things that kind of bothers me. "When I was getting the pitcher inside our fridge earlier, I felt like I suddenly can't move." I explained. His serious face even became more serious when I mentioned him that. "And stepping forward made it harder for me to do." He sighed, clasped his hands and leaned back to his swivel chair.

"Do you want to do further tests?" He asked. I wanted to say yes, but I guess I still want to observe these changes in my body before declaring something scary.

"I-I'll come back."

He nodded. "Come back soon, if you want to have further check ups." I hummed a yes and stood up from the chair. I thanked the doctor before exiting his clinic.

"Dahyun!" Eunwoo and Hansol called my name in unison. They're both holding my babies, Jihyun and Minhyun, and walked right up to me immediately. "What did the doctor say?" Hansol asked in a very worried tone.

I smiled to assure them that I'm okay. "He said that it won't leave a scar." They both sighed in relief. "Where's Jin oppa--"

"Dahyun-ah!" I tilted my head to the direction where that voice came from. Jin oppa is running towards me and as soon as he reached me, he bent down, hands on his knees and tried catching his breath. "Oh my god! The elevator here isn't working!"

"And we're on the 12th floor." I said. My friends laughed with me. "I'm sorry if I had to bother you." I hugged him and escaped right after. "Don't worry, oppa. The doctor said that it won't leave any scar on my face."

"Good thing! I can't imagine my beautiful sister having a scar!" He exclaimed and wiped the sweat off from his face using his handkerchief. Oh, how can he do a simple gesture in such handsome way? No wonder Mina fell for him. "Where's Jimin?"

"He's at work." I told him. I know that he's going to think that Jimin is such a bad dude for not going to his wife in times like these. "Don't worry, oppa. I just don't want Jimin to be disturbed."

"But he's your husband." Jin oppa reasoned out. I got his point, but I don't know why I have this thing that always keeps me from not disturbing others. "You gotta tell him what to do."

"Alright. I'll do it the next time."

"When's next time?" Jin oppa asked. "You've told me that before, but you always have that reason."

"I'm sorry, oppa. Don't be mad." I asked him to stop being mad because I don't want any misunderstandings between the two of us. "I'll promise to do it."

"I'm not telling you this because I'm mad, okay? I'm just saying these things because I care for my little sister." I thanked him for his brotherly care. I really do appreciate their care for me because they just want the best for me. "Where are you guys headed? I'll drive you."

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