32 : Jimin

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We all watched Tae oppa throw Sana unnie's ash in the air. My heart beated fast for some unknown reason. I'm guessing it's because I know that I'll be the second to die in our family. I'm a little scared, but there's no space for that. I should be brave. I should be fighting for my life, specially now that I see how will they react if someone dies in our family.

"Condolence," I heard Jungkook tell Tae oppa who did not even move a muscle when he put the jar's lid back. "She lived her life well."

"Tae, will you not come back home?" Tzuyu unnie asked him, but he did not say anything. She sighed, carrying her adopted child from Sana unnie. "Just come back home if you feel alright now. I need to get back home for Jungkook." Turns out that Sana unnie still named the baby before she breathed her last breath. The baby is Kim Jungkook now and somehow, that's a bit painful for Tae oppa who loved her so much. "Will you not follow?" She asked, so I smiled and nodded.

"H-Honey, let's g-go." He smilingly kissed my forehead and we went back to our homes. We all went home except for Tae oppa. When we drove away, I can still see him standing still by the beach, looking afar. Maybe he's talking to Sana unnie. I can feel his pain.


One..two..three weeks had passed since Sana unnie's death. We're still recovering, specially Tae oppa. I heard he's overworking himself and does not give a single time to Tzuyu unnie and the child. I think that's so rude of him because he should be focusing on the two of them, too, instead of being very selfish.

We can't just tell him all of that because we know that we're going to be very fucked up if we tell him what to do. He always mind his own business which stinks.

Jimin is doing all the work for me. I'm stuck on my wheelchair, as usual, and can't move my fingers. I tell Jimin what to do and I'm planning on giving up the position because I can't do the work anyway.

I still go to my hospital sessions, but Dr. Jung has been telling me to confine myself, so they can do further tests. They've been suggesting that for a week now, but I can't see myself stuck on a bed, doing nothing. They told me that my sickness is still progressing fast, but they can't do anything since I don't agree with it.

Maybe I'll confine myself, but not now. I still want to see my children grow up. I want to see Jimin growing facial hair. I want to see Jungkook grow up. I still have to watch Tae oppa and Tzuyu unnie be civil with each other. I have to see Jin oppa's family. I need to see Joon oppa and Jeongyeon unnie have a baby. I still have a lot of things to see before I go.

I need to see Eunwoo marry and so as Hansol. I still have to go to Chaeyoung and Yoongi oppa's wedding. I can't leave them yet.

No, I can't.

"Baby, what do you want for lunch?" I'm a little spaced out when Jimin called me, so he needed to call out my name for a few times before I glance at him. "Are you okay?" He asked and stood up from the swivel chair to check on me. He got down on his feet and cupped my cheeks with his concerned eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"S-Stiff." I replied.

"I sometimes wish you'd answer me that you can move now," he smiled a bit. "But that's okay. This is reality."

"T-Thank you f-for understanding." He nodded and stood up straight to kiss me on my forehead. "I-I want j-jajangmyeon, please."

"All right. I'll telephone the restaurant." With that, he fished his phone from his pocket and called the restaurant to order us some food. "It has been done. We just have to wait for a few minutes, okay?" I nodded and he went back to work. It's good to see him being like this after all of the shit that has happened to us.

He used to take drugs because of depression, but he stopped after realising everything. He knows that I still need him, so he stopped. He threw everything away--his drugs, alcohol and even a few butts of cigar.

Everything is okay, actually.

Except for Tae oppa.

I asked Jimin before where was he getting every cannabis he has and I was shocked to hear his answer, "From Tae hyung. He has an underground facility. Do you remember back in high school? When I was beaten up? You must probably be thinking why can't they beat Tae hyung up. That's because he owns the drug cartel. He's the drug lord. He's been around that business since he was still in college. I know we're not supposed to tell this to anyone, but I thought about it and figured out that you must know about this. Your brother is the drug lord. He owns one of the biggest drug cartels in Korea."

I'm still thinking how can I confront Tae oppa about this. My head hurted from all the information Jimin had told me that day.

Maybe I need to take it lightly. I have to tell this to Tzuyu unnie first, and then to my brothers. I should pursuade them to not to go to Tae oppa first unless we've got everything ready.

If I were to ask if it's okay for me, as Tae oppa's sister, for him to go to jail, I can't answer it yet. He's my brother and I have a lot of thoughts need to organize first before making an action.

"B-Baby," I called my husband. He glanced at me for a second and went back on typing. "W-We need to tell T-Tzuyu unnie and my brothers about t-the drug c-cartel Tae oppa o-owns." He stopped and crossed his eyebrows.

"What?" He asked, probably asking me to repeat whatever I said.

"T-The drug cartel--"

"No, I heard it." He cut me. "Baby, we can't do that. I'll be the dead one if we take an action about it."

"W-We can't just s-sit around here knowing T-Tae oppa's the one behind every c-cannabis pack I see." I'm a little bit mad right now. I can see that Jimin is worried of himself getting killed because of exposing my brother from his wrongdoings, but that's not how things work. We should take an action against him. "B-Baby, we need to tell this to my brothers. S-Specially to his wife."

"Then, what will happen to me? I won't get myself killed. You still need me, baby."

"B-But, dear, a-aren't you guilty? Y-You're protecting someone who has done grave faults."

"What will happen to you if I get arrested? Or worse, killed? Baby, think about it first."

"I-I did." I retorted. "E-Ever since you confessed it to me." He sighed loudly and I can sense his stress. He's stressed from work and I'm giving him another thing to think about.

I just hope Jimin would clear his thoughts and realize that protecting Tae oppa would not do anything good.


I'm sorry for updating late! I still have school :((




Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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