10 : Jimin

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"How would you feel..." Dahyun paused and touched my cheek. She traced her forefinger across my cheek to my nose down to my lips. I smiled at her and tucked a strand of her hair behind her right ear. "...if I left?" I felt like my world crushed when she asked such question. I felt like my heart stopped and so I cannot suddenly process everything inside my head. I can't breathe, but I didn't show it to her. She smiled so naively which made my chest hurt more.

My tears flowed through my cheeks, so I smiled. I leaned over her and kissed the tip of her nose.

How would I feel if she'll left me? It'll be the death of my heart. It'll be my world's end. Besides the twins, I'll feel like I don't have any more reason why should I wake up in the morning and greet people with a smile. My face would be stucked in a dull state.

As I was staring into her eyes, finding the right words to answer her, everything flashed back right before me.

The first time that I saw her by the doorstep with her three older brothers behind her. Her smile would make you smile as well and let you think about how can a person smile so beautifully. Her smile was captivating that it made me stare into her face only. I knew I had to look away and make a decision for me not to fall for her. I knew Mina would be mad at me if she'll see me like that.

Whenever I come home from school, I would draw her in my art pad. I don't have any pictures to copy her face. My imagination would be enough for me to sketch her. I have been staring at her from afar secretly and I guess that's enough to make me remember her smiles.

I decided to hate her, but that didn't stop her from liking me.

Of all people, why me, Dahyun? Why did you choose a drug seller? Why did you choose to love a guy that hated you without any reason?

I'm lucky to have her, but is she lucky to have me as her partner?

A memory of her coming to the prison flashed before my eyes. Her efforts back then are incomparable. I would always be thankful for her visits. No one wanted to ever visit me before, even my family didn't want to. She became my family while I was inside the prison. And there, I saw how sincere she was for her love for me.

"M-My heart..." I paused and gulped. "...would die along with yours." I whispered. I looked at her straight into her eyes and saw that she's tearing up as well. My heart won't be able to handle to see her cry. "Dahyun-ah..." I called her once more. I touched her bare face and stared at it. This might be one of the last times that I would ever see her pretty face.

"Hmm?" She hummed a yes and smiled. How can you smile even if you're hurting? Why is your heart so pure? What did I do to deserve someone like you?

"Let's go to the church tomorrow." I asked her. She nodded and giggled. Oh how is her giggle music to my ears? "We'll pray...I'll pray for you." I said. "I'll pray for your recovery. I'll pray for your betterment."

"What if I won't become better anymore?" She asked.

"I'll ask God for a miracle to save you." She chuckled and kissed me on the tip of my nose.

"Good night," she greeted and closed her eyes. "Please be there when I wake up tomorrow..." She spoke. "...even though I may not." I wasn't able to reply to her last sentence.

The days would come when I won't see her beside me anymore. Those days will creep in slowly and thinking of it makes my heart feel despair.

Whenever I face her, I always have thought that I must put this big smile on my face because I can't ever give her a negative energy. I'm one of the reasons why she's fighting everyday.

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