09 : Sana

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Someone knocked on the door, so I rushed towards it, turned the doorknob and opened it. I welcomed the visitor with a smile flashed on my face.

"You must be Yerin," I handed my hand to hers and she took it. "Please, come in."

"Thank you," she giggled and entered our house. I was kind of embarrassed because of the state of our house. There's a lot of Legos and other toys in our living room. It's a shame that me and Jimin didn't have any time to clean our house because of the recent happenings.

Yerin sat on our couch comfortably, so I brought her a cup of water while she waits for our twins. "How did Eunwoo know you?" I asked. She took a sip of water and placed it back on the saucer.

"He knows Doyeon." She answered.

"Doyeon?" Doyeon...it sounds familiar...Ah! Kim Doyeon! "Oh, her ex-girlfriend."

"A-Ah, yes." She sounded so awkward when I said that Doyeon is his ex-girlfriend. The girl way back in high school that was head over heels for him. Too bad that they broke up and had separate lives already.

"What about Doyeon?" I asked curiously.

"She runs a day care and a nanny service, so Eunwoo-ssi called her and asked me to go to your address to be your twins' nanny." Oh... How did he have any number of Doyeon, tho? "She likes kids a lot and decided to run such business. Too bad that she doesn't have a kid of her own yet."

"That's a good news," I whispered.

"Yes?" Yerin asked, probably telling me to repeat the same sentence that I said.

"Nothing," I smiled.

"Here they are~" Both of our eyes shifted to Jimin who is holding our twins. I smiled at the view. He's wearing a similar shirt with the twins and it's just so cute.

"Aigoo, we should've took a photo with them and hang it on the wall." I chuckled and so did he. Our twins looked very cute while they suck their thumb. They're a year old already and I can't wait to see them grow up. If that will happen.

He placed both of our twins on the mat and let them play with stuffed toys. As much as possible, we don't want them to play hard toys because it might hurt them. They can step on it or what.

"Please take care of them very well," Jimin said. "You do know how to cook and such, right?" Yerin nodded, so we let her do her thing already and we fled. We bid our good byes to our kids before fleeing.

"Ah, by the way," I turned to Yerin before completely exiting our house. "I have some of my breastmilk in that bag right there. All of the babies' necessities are also inside that. Their room is upstairs, beside the master's bedroom. Please take care of them very well." She nodded, so I fished my phone and handed it to her. "Please input your phone number, so I can call you from time to time." After inputting her number on my phone, we bid our last good byes and headed towards the company.

Jimin said that I should continue working while he looks for a job. It's okay for me when he quitted his job as my personal assistant because I want him to follow whatever his dream job is. I also want to be independent. I can't depend on him all of my life.

We decided to have a lunch date earlier and visit dad after our work.

He parked in front of the building, so I took off my seatbelt and he leaned on me to give me a peck before I go. I smiled, "I love you." I said.

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