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"Spinocerebellar ataxia." Dr. Jung said and handed out my results. I gulped and slowly took it from him. I felt scared all of a sudden. "It's a degeneration of the cerebellum of your brain. It doesn't have any origins. Scientists don't know how it originates." He then crossed his legs and leaned back on his chair. I held Jimin's hand right away and lowered my head, trying to stop my tears. I don't want to let him see myself in my weakest state.

"D-Does it have any...cure?" I asked and looked at the doctor. He seemed uneasy and unsure. Just by his expressions, I can tell the answer. There's no cure.

"There's none." He answered. "The only thing that we can do is to slow down the progression of your disease." He added. "You have to exercise your muscles during session. We will have you confined soon."

I felt Jimin's hands on my shoulder. He pulled me towards him, closer to him. "We'll do everything, doc." His voice is slowly cracking and he might burst out his tears anytime. I don't want him to see in such hurt state. I hate to see my loved ones crying...especially if it's because of me. "What s-should we do as of the moment?"

"I'll prescribe you some drugs and we'll schedule your sessions." The doctor started writing some drug names on a paper and gave it to Jimin. "For now, you have to be positive." I looked at the doctor. He half-smiled sincerely which made me feel a bit more okay, even though everything is bad as of the moment. Jimin helped me to stand up and we both exited the doctor's clinic.

I didn't want to talk to anyone for now. Things aren't yet sinking inside my mind. It's a lot to take in for me. Too much that I may not be able to digest everything.

"Babe, let's go." Jimin held my wrist, but I can't make a move. My feet became stuck on the floor. It felt like Medusa stared at me and I became a rock for a second. He smiled at me and helped me to walk.

"Sorry," I whispered. I do not want to be too much of a burden to my family. My kids are still young. I want to be a mother to them. I'll continue with my life as long as I can. I'll continue with my life even if I can't move. I have to. I have to be positive for Jimin and for my twins.

"You don't have to apologize." Jimin kissed my temple and then we headed to our company. I saw Taehyung oppa and Sana unnie hopping off from their car on the parking lot. They seemed serious. "You have to tell this to your dad, okay?" He said as he parks the car beside Taehyung oppa's.

I sighed, "I don't know if I can." I answered.

"But you have to."

"I don't want to be the root of all his problems." I replied. He lifted the hand break and looked at me. He smiled and held my hand. His hands are warm and it's telling me that everything is going to be soon because it has to.

"You can do it, babe. You're his daughter. He can understand you."

"You don't understand me, Chim." I told him. "He has to fix Taehyung oppa's problem first and he has to go to the States for our business and our house. He has a lot of things going on inside his head and I just can't tell this to him because I do not want to be a bother." I explained. His face expression changed. He's looking tired and that's the last thing that I do not want to happen. I do not want Jimin to grow tired of me. He won't do that, right? He won't grow tired, right? He won't leave me, right?

"Dahyun," he called my name and it means that he's serious now. "I-I don't know..." he looked away from me and closed his eyes. As soon as his tears streamed down, my heart stung instantly. "...please do understand that you're not the only person who's having a  hard time as well. You're not the only one here who's hurt because of your disease." I held his hand and kissed it.

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