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That night, I decided to reconcile with Jimin. Lippie was the one who arranged his funeral while my brothers took care of all the fees.

"You said you'll be back after lunch," Jimin said while he reads a book on our bed. I looked at him through the mirror and sighed. "What took you so long?" He asked.

I stood up from the dresser's seat after I finish combing my hair. I went to our bed and looked at nowhere. "We gave up dad." I knew it would shock him because of the sudden news. He put down his book and faced me, probably asking for more questions that will fill his curiosity. "His suffering must end."

"When will be the funeral?" He asked.

"The burial will be tomorrow." After that, silence came. It's a little awkward between the two of us because a lot of things happened between us. "I'm sorry." I spoke, but he didn't. I knew that he would listen to my explanations, so I continued on speaking. "I didn't think things through. I'm sorry for acting like a child." I felt weight on my shoulder when he placed his head on it.

"It's okay." He held my resting hand. "I'm sorry, too." His sorry sounded extra sincere and I couldn't thank God more for giving me this man. "I love you." He said and kissed me on cheek before we go to sleep.


Dad's death was on the headlines, since he's a known businessman. Lippie was also on the headlines throughout the internet for being dad's hidden child. The press wanted to conduct an interview, but we all declined. Our hearts are too heavy to be interviewed. I hope the reporters would understand.

Not a lot of people can go to dad's burial since it's pretty private. The Cha's, Choi's and some of his co-businessmen can only attend. I expected that the Park's will visit, too, because they're business partners. I was a little worried on how should I interact with Jimin's troublesome family. Actually, Jimin is far better from his family because he's got a great attitude. He may be financially unstable since his family "unowned" him, but having manners are better.

"Dahyun," Jin oppa ran towards me with red, puffy eyes. His look made my heart sore. "Can you give the reporters an interview? They won't stop. It'll be just fast. Lip will be with you." He patted my shoulder and passed by me to attend to the guests' needs. I knew that he counted on me, so I went outside of the funeral hall and was welcomed by the press. Lip was already there, being asking a lot of questions, so I catered them, too.

"What was his cause of death?" A reporter asked.

"He was brain dead and his heart was weak already which eventually led him to his death."

"Some say that you are the cause of his death. What can you say about those rumors?"

"Rumors are rumors. It's up to you if you want to believe fake news."

It took me and Lip 15 minutes before we can go. After that, we went inside and catered the guests, too. I was a little stunned to see the Park's marching their way in here. I saw Jimin's mom and my blood boiled, but I kept myself calm. I can't argue with her in a situation like this.

She stopped in front of me and looked at me from head to toe, "We are ultimately sorry for your big loss." Her apologies don't even sound sincere at all, but I had to thank her even if it's against my will. "Why did he die?" She asked.

"Comatose." I answered and she acted like she was stunned to hear. She really looks fake and plastic. I can't believe that Jimin had her as his mom. "Please, have a seat."

"Where's my son?" She asked as she sits on the bench.

"Were you his mother?" I asked and her sarcastic smile faded. "I'm sorry, I didn't know. For now, please excuse me." I then walked away from her, but I heard her loud voice that echoed the whole room.

"Your attitude from the slums is still in you no matter how much gold you put on yourself." I felt like my blood pressure went high because she attacked me personally. I balled my fists and looked back at her. I can feel people eyeing me and her because of this created scene.

"So do you." I said through gritted teeth and was about to say something more but Jimin stood between me and his mother which shocked me a bit because he came out of nowhere.

"Please stop. This is a funeral. Fighting is very appropriate. At least please give respect to the dead." He said and gave me a meaningful look, so I just sighed deeply and let it go. "Mom, please go."

"What?" Mrs. Park's voice raised. "Are you throwing your own mother?"

"Yes." Jimin said with full conviction that made almost everyone gasp. That's a little unexpected, but he's just doing what's right. "Please, go." I can sense that his mom still wants to say something or retort, but she just took her bag with her and exited the hall with the other Park's and some bodyguards.

Jimin looked at me and cupped my face, "Are you okay?" I held his hand and nodded, smiling. "Good." He then kissed my forehead and continued catering the guests and their needs.

The mass then started soon.


It's been a few days since dad's funeral and today is his burial. With a heavy heart and cloudy eyes, we started saying our eulogy to him one by one. Tzuyu unnie and Sana unnie are both in the venue, by the way. I saw how Tzuyu unnie teared up secretly while Sana unnie leaned on to Taehyung oppa. I guess his issue is now open to everyone who is invited here.

Jin oppa was the first one to tell his message while Joon oppa came next. Their words are very sad and it just pierced through every person's heart inside. Lip was the next one who delivered a heart-warming message to dad. And then it was me.

I was crying so bad as I say those words that I had a hard time breathing already. My tears just kept flowing through my cheeks because I feel really sad. My mother and father are now dead. I'm really sorry that I didn't get to spend my time with them a lot.

Lastly, Taehyung oppa said his eulogy. He's not the type to cry over something, even if it's deep, but he cried over dad. He was telling him to come back over and over again that I couldn't look at him anymore because it just pierces my heart more.

Our eyes were all tired and puffy when the ceremony finished. We watch dad's coffin being buried on the ground while we all throw some roses.

I looked up to the sky and felt a warm breeze blow towards my direction, so I made a smile and closed my eyes.

Thank you, dad. For everything.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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