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"Tae is gonna get out of jail later," Tzuyu noona told me as we walk by the hallway. She's here because she visited Dahyun. It's also been a year since that mother's day celebration in the hospital. I'm just thankful that Dahyun wakes up every morning.

"This is estatic," I smiled. "Dahyun will be very happy to see her brother again!"

"I know," Tzuyu noona smiled. "I'll take Taehyung with me later, though. Don't worry. We'll visit your wife."

"This is overwhelming. I have no words."

"All right. I need to go now. Watch over her, okay?"

I nodded enthusiastically, "Yes. I will." She just nodded back at me and turned away. I went back to Dahyun's room and saw her quietly sleeping. I checked the time and noticed that it's almost dismissal time of my twins. I need to let Dahyun know before I go, but I don't want to wake her up.

I called Hansol if he can look after my wife, but when he picked up, he said that he's in a middle of a shooting. I did the same to Eunwoo, but he reasoned out that he needs to go to a court trial today.

I sighed.

I can't think of anyone to ask anymore because everyone is busy with their lives. Most of our friends have children of their own already and they're busyㅡ

Oh, wait.

"Chaeng!" I just remembered. I dialed her right away and asked the favor. She didn't hesitate on saying a yes. She said that she'll be on her way right now, so I patiently waited for her before I pick up my kids.


"Hey," Chaeng knocked on the door and peeked in to see me. I almost fell asleep, but thank goodness she came. "She's still sleeping?" She asked.

I nodded and stood up from my seat, "Yeah. Thank you for doing the favor."

"Everything for my best friend." She smiled, so I just tapped her shoulder before I go. I gave her a few reminders and then exited the room. I'm just praying that nothing bad will happen to my wife.



To see my best friend lying on her death bed, sleeping safely, makes my heart tear into lots of pieces. I never knew that she will end up like this. I can't bear to see her being tortured everyday. I can't bear to witness her fighting for her life every single day.

I sat beside her and held her hand, "Best friend," I don't know why, but I almost choked. I can feel the corners of my eyes heating up. I know that I will dispense a lot of tears for her again. "Can you please not go? We have lots of dreams together that we did not accomplish yet." My tears finally fell. "You promised to see my kids first before you die, so don't die yet." I rubbed my thumb against the back of her palm. She's turning a little bit cold, but I bet it's just because of the airconditioning unit inside the room. "I'm two months pregnant," I told her. "So can you wait until I give birth to your best friend's kid? P-Please. I'm not ready to g-give you up, best friend. You've been there all my life and if y-you're not gonna be there until the end, i-it'll just be my downfall. I'll miss you so much."

I looked right beside her monitor when I heard a flat line.




Jimin is on his way to pick up his kids, while Tzuyu just finished Taehyung's trial court before he gets out of prison. Taehyung was in prison for seven years and throughout those years, he reflected on what he had became before he entered the jail.

Tzuyu just finished signing a few papers and then they're on their way to see Dahyun.

Taehyung changed drastically. His hair became longer and he grew some facial hair. He has a few scars from getting beaten up inside the cell.

He was looking through the car's window when Tzuyu called him. "Are you excited to see your sister?" She asked.

Taehyung held his head low. He doesn't know if he has still a face to show to his sister. Dahyun did not do anything evil to him, yet he treated her in an ill way. He's ashamed of himself. "Don't be nervous." Tzuyu smiled a bit and held his hand to assure him that everything will be okay.

They arrived at the hospital right away. They didn't have time to go home. Tzuyu was really excited for Taehyung to meet Dahyun, but she was baffled to see nurses and doctors inside the hospital room. She was confused, but Taehyung knew what was happening. He ran inside to see her sister, being revived by the doctors.

When they delivered the second shock, Dahyun gave pulse. Chaeyoung was in the corner, sobbing because she doesn't know what to do.

"Great, team." The doctor-in-charge said and fixed a few things before exiting the room.

No one made noise when the doctors left. Tzuyu followed Taehyung inside, "What happened?"

"Dahyun almost died," Chaeyoung said with her shaking lips. They were at that position when Dahyun opened up her eyes slowly and saw her Taehyung oppa right in front of her. She managed to crack a smile and tear with her one eye before closing her eyes.

A flat line. For the second time.

Taehyung ran away to get the doctors' help, wishing that they can revive Dahyun again. He got a few doctors, but when they tried reviving her again, nothing happened.

"Time of death: 11:53 AM." The doctor said. "I'm sorry for your loss." No one said anything. Taehyung fell on his knees and weeped on Dahyun's dead and cold body.

The other two women started sobbing hard, while Jimin and his kids entered. He was confused at first, but when he saw that nothing is connected to Dahyun's body anymore, he petrified. The kids ran towards their mother, trying to wake her up by kissing her cheeks, but nothing happened.

The room was filled by mourning.


Next part will be the epilogue! :)

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