05 : Taehyung, Tzuyu & Sana

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It's barely 3 o'clock in the afternoon in Sana's clock, yet Taehyung isn't waking up from his deep sleep when he got in Sana's flat. She's been worried of his work lately because he's always inside her condominium. She understands that they have been not in touch lately since he went to a business meeting in Taiwan and for Tzuyu as well. She doesn't really know what is the real catch between the two of them. He's "committed" to Tzuyu and she's just a mere...lady in his love life. They make love almost every other night, but that's not enough to be a legal couple.

She worries that he may be late for the family dinner that he told about when he entered her flat. She wasn't hoping that he'd bring her to the said dinner because she's almost no one in his family. Sure, she met his father, his brothers and just recently, Dahyun, but it's not an enough reason to go to that dinner. She assumed that he'd bring Tzuyu for everyone's sake. She doesn't want to be a mood ruiner when she enters the scene, anyway.

She sighed and started shaking his legs to wake him up, but it's completely no use. He would just groan in an angry manner and go back sleeping. She never knew that waking Taehyung up would be this hard. He wasn't hard to wake up before, but he changed. Maybe because Taehyung is too tired of his work.

"Babe..." she called out and continued shaking him. "Babe, wake up." She said as her shakes begins to be stronger and stronger and it did woke him up.

"Okay, I'm up. I'm up." Taehyung chuckled and stretched his arms out. He smiled at Sana and puckered his lips for a kiss, but it eventually faded when she gave him something. She placed it on his palm and let him see that white rectangular thing. She watched his eyebrows meet slowly until their eyes met. "What does this mean?"

"You're not stupid not to know that." She told him. "What can you say?" He's completely out of words. Seeing those two red lines on that pregnancy gave him a weird and scary feeling. He's not yet ready to be a father in a situation like this. Their love story is such a complicated thing. "Nothing?"

"Pregnancy tests aren't always right..." His voice weakened when she handed him some papers. He took it and started reading it.

"The ob-gyn said that I'm two months pregnant." She answered and crossed her arms. They just stared at each other, waiting for someone to speak up. She wanted to know what his plan is in a matter like this.


"I don't do murder, Tae." She cut him off. He heaved a sigh and stood up from her bed. "Please do me a favor."


"Let Tzuyu know this." She answered. He's somehow baffled, but Tzuyu has some rights to know about this. Her fiancé just impregnated his ex-girlfriend. It's a serious matter to talk about. "Tell me what you're thinking. I'm the only one who's talking now."

He rubbed his hands against his face and just stared at the papers and at the white rectangular thing on his palm. He doesn't know what to do. He doesn't want the child to be considered illegitimate because they're not married. He doesn't want to lose sight of Sana's pregnancy days, but he can't just focus on her now that he's been busy with Tzuyu.

"I'll think about this thoroughly." It was all that he can say since he doesn't know what should he do. He can't be disappointed because they created something unplanned. He would like to think of it as a blessing in disguise.

"It was both of our fault." Sana said which made him glance at her. "I failed to drink my birth control meds and you didn't use any condoms these days." She added and turned her back on him to get his towel. She then handed it to him. "Go to shower. You still have a family dinner to attend to."

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