27 : Jimin, Dahyun & Mina

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The world stopped spinning.

My world, stopped spinning.

I looked at Sowon, laughing inside my head, "W-What do you mean? J-Jimin...has a kid with Mina?" I asked her, tears in my eyes. I'm holding back these tears because I don't want her to see this side of me easily. We just met yesterday and letting her see this fragile side is petty, for me.

I think she's well aware that my tears may fall anytime, so she gave me her handkerchief without saying anything. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you that."

"Where's their kid?" I asked her.

"A-Ah..." She hesitated and I hate hesitation. I want people to be sure of me. I want them to trust me, but I guess I just can't have it all. "...well, you know, the thing is..." she sighed. "...Jimin doesn't know about it."

My eyebrows creased harder. What the hell is she saying?! "You're telling me that Jimin doesn't know that he's got a child with my brother's wife?" I laughed. I don't know why I am getting mad. I feel betrayed. I feel like Jimin did not tell me every secret that he has. He promised me that he won't keep anything from me anymore, but this is some kind of crap. This is bullcrap.

"Y-Yes," she nodded. "I-It's not my intention to--" she stopped when she saw me sniffing. I held my head low, crying silently, afraid that people will see me in such state. I held my chest, pounding it again and again, so that the pain won't go away, but it won't. "I'm sorry for telling this. I'm really sorry. If I had just been really cautious of what I should say--"

"It's not your fault." I breathed deeply and wiped my tears using the handkerchief that she gave me. "I-It's not..." I whispered. I don't want to feel her that it's her fault why am I feeling like this. The hurtful thing about this situation is that I learnt about Jimin's secret through a stranger. 

She stayed silent until I became calm. Once I calmed myself, I tried to think rationally again. I must know how, when and why it happened.

"Thank you for telling me this," I told Sowon. I want to hold her hand, but I can't reach other for her hands. I can't move my arms, so I decided to stay like this. I don't know if Eunwoo had told her why am I sitting on a wheelchair or what. "C-Can you bring me to my house?" She snapped out from thinking hard and nodded. She stood up right away and pushed me out of the restaurant.

She had a hard time putting me inside of the car because I can't move my legs anymore. I felt a little embarrassed because I made her do a lot of things, so that we can go to our house.

I don't know how to sink this information inside my brain. Should I tell this to Jin oppa first or should I contact Mina instead? I can't tell this to Jimin because I needed to know the reasons behind it. He doesn't know it, too.



There were knocks on my office door and when I looked through the glass doors, I saw Jimin. He looks somehow worried, so I let him in. He entered my office in a flash, a little sweaty and worried. His eyes are shaking and his hands were trembling.

I stood up, worried of how he looked. "Are you okay? Do you want me to bring you to the infirmary?" I offered, but he shook his head.

"N-No, hyung." He gulped. "I-I can't seem to reach Dahyun. Her phone is dead and she's still not coming back from the place where I dropped her earlier." My eyebrows crossed. Why would he leave a person with clear disability on her own? Is he thinking? I want to ask him those words, but I should not argue with him. I don't want to have a bad thing between the two of us.

"Well, have you guys fought earlier?" I asked, playing with my stubbles.

He shook his head again, "No. We're very much in a good mood. We didn't have any problems." He rubbed his hands against his face, so I sighed.

"I'll reach out." I told him. "Will you stay here and finish Dahyun's uncompleted tasks?" I took my wallet and phone with me and put my hand on his shoulder, a sign that I am trusting him with the uncompleted work. "Okay. I'll get back to you in a few." He still looks a little lost, but I just went on my way to find my sister.


I found Dahyun staying at dad's mansion, where Taehyung is living. Me and Mina already moved out of the house because we already have Jimin, our bany.

My sister was at the swimming pool by herself. No one was with her, so I changed my clothes before going in the pool. I'm glad to see her still at that position because I'm actually anxious that she will go away.

The pool was cold when my feet touched the water, but I still went in. I sat on the stairs, "Hey," I called her, but she was just staring somewhere. "Dahyunie," I called her name in a fond way, but she still did not face me or give me any attention. "Little sis?" I touched her shoulder, so she looked at me and seemed shocked to see me.

I smiled, "What's the matter?" I asked.

She sighed and shook her head. She became silent again and that's when I knew I had to talk. "Jimin can't find you. He's worried sick because you did not come back to the company."

She smirked which kind of creeped me out. "Since when he was in his head?" She queried. Did they fight? I don't know if I should ask her if they fought because it's honestly a marital problem. They should be the one sorting things out. "Are you sure he's worried?" I hummed a yes. "He's in drugs."

My eyebrows met, "What?" I knew what I heard, but I pretended that I didn't hear.

"He's in drugs, oppa." She repeated and I felt like I've lost my mind. "I have never felt so betrayed."

"Maybe he's sick--"

"Oppa, he's into drugs, okay? The house is always a mess because of him. I can't trust our kids to him these days because of that." She groaned and I can now feel her building anger towards him. We told you not to marry someone like him. Look what fate had led you. "I don't know if Mina had confessed to you already or what."

"Mina? What do you mean?" I never saw something strange about her. I'm afraid that she will say that she takes drugs, too, because that would just make me crumble to disappointment.

She sighed and finally looked at me. Her eyes are red and I bet she cried because of her problems. "She didn't tell you, oh?" She laughed. It felt weird because suddenly, I felt something inside my chest. Something hurt. Something broke.

"What's that?"

"She didn't tell you that she's got a kid with Jimin?"

My heart dropped.


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