21 : The Kim's

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Taehyung averted his eyes from Dahyun and decided to continue working. The three siblings felt offended, but Seokjin decides to keep things calm. He sighed and massaged his temples, "You're getting married to Sana without consulting us?" He asked directly, making him pause from typing. Taehyung's eyes can't seem to focus on his brothers, but he still made an answer to his que.

"Yes." He answered shortly. "And I don't need to consult any of you. This is my marriage."

"We're your family, dufus." Namjoon hissed, making his brother glance at him with a tensed jaw. "How dare I call you that? Is that what you're going to ask me?" He asked as if he's picking for a fight.

Taehyung decided not to tell another word, Dahyun did. "Stop now, please. This is not what dad wanted and so as our mothers." She pleaded in a calm tone.

The eldest brother snickered offendingly, "Oh, please. Don't tell us what to do because you're just a stepsister. You're illegitimate. You're just sharing my family's wealth because if you don't, you might be still in the slums." She gulped, not knowing what should she answer because it was too much. It was too much for her to handle and to think that her own brother told her those made her feel worse.

She smiled sarcastically and held back her tears, trying to look brave and strong in front of her family's eyes, but she can't hide it when she talked because her voice cracked and tears flowed through her cheeks. "Then, I am sorry." She said and sniffed. "I am fucking sorry, oppa, if dad had to bring me to your family. I'm sorry if I will never seem like a family to you." Her voice raised and seeing her like that made it hard for Jimin, too.

"We'll go," Jimin decided to push Dahyun away from the difficult scene. Once they reached outside, he kneeled down to see his wife's face. "I'm sure that your brother only said that because he's mad. I believe that he cares about you, too." She didn't answer. She continued sobbing in front of her husband. Jimin held her head and placed a kiss on her forehead. "Let's get you back to your office." Then, Jimin started strolling away from that place to his wife's office.

Meanwhile, the fight inside Taehyung's office is still going on.

"What the fuck, Tae?! How can you hurt our sister like that?!" Jin yelled as he points out the door that the couple passed through earlier. "She's our sister and you cannot undo that!"

"If it wasn't for dad and his mistress, she wouldn't be our sister!" Taehyung yelled back.

Namjoon laughed in sarcasm, "Can you hear yourself, Tae? You're blaming dad and Dahyun's mom for having her?" He turned serious. "Can't you see, Tae? You blame dad, but you're doing the same fucking thing he did before! You fucking had a mistress when you know that you're committed to Tzuyu and impregnate her!"

"That's why I'm marrying Sana, so our kid wouldn't be labeled illegitimate!" Taehyung stood up, slamming his hands on his desk, making some papers fall from the table. "You don't understand what I'm feeling because you're not in my position, so you don't have the rights to lecture me!"

"And we're not making the same mistake you did, brother." Jin said with a deep voice. "Are you even sure that that kid is yours? What if he's not? What are you going to do?" The eldest son said nothing, thinking of what his brother just told him. "Think of all the fucking possibilities, Tae! Don't stick to one damned idea only!"

"I'm sure." His tone became low. "She wouldn't lie to me."

"How are you so sure, huh?" Namjoon asked. "She broke up with you before with no specific reason and had a boyfriend before coming back to you. What if she's still in contact with that guy? What if she's just using you for money?" He gulped, not knowing what to say and placed his hands on his waist, breathing deep and hard.

"We know that you're an intelligent and wise guy, Tae." Jin said. "Dahyun is our sister and Sana is just a lady you met, but how come you can trust her more than your sister?" He asked, getting teary-eyed just by thinking of all the hardships that her sister has been going through. "You're fucking insane, brother."

"You let her marry Jimin." Taehyung paused, head downcast and staring at the random papers on his glass desk. "We didn't want her to marry him, but she still did even if it's again our will. Why?" He asked. "Why can she marry someone she loves and I can't?"

"Dude, in her case, it's different."

"He's far worse. He was a drug dealer--"

"Can't you understand, Tae?" Namjoon questioned him. "Sana is not the problem, neither Jimin nor Dahyun. The problem is you. A lot of things have been bugging you and you can't seem to focus on your problem, so can you please this fucking thing you made yourself? Jeez." He ran his hands through his hair our of stress. "Think about your marriage with Sana first before inviting us."

They both turned their backs and went outside. "Call us if you want a drink." Jin said before leaving his puzzled brother.


"Hey," Namjoon and Seokjin went straight to their sister's office as soon as they finished reading a few contracts. "How are you feeling?" Seokjin asks as they make their way to her.

She sighed, "I'm not really in the mood to talk."

"Coffee?" Namjoon asked, holding three cups of tall-sized iced Americanos. "We're really sorry if Taehyung is fucked up."

"Oppa, when will you stop apologizing for him?" She asked and put her pen down. "Aren't you honestly tired of saying sorry in his place?" She leaned back to her swivel chair and sipped on the iced Americano. "He's more than fucked up. A lot of things must be going through his mind and he can't seem to arranged things."

"That's what we said to him." Jin said as he sighs. "He's distracted."

"We should get him checked up." Namjoon suggested, but Dahyun was afraid of knowing whether her brother has psychological issues or not. It scares her for no specific reason. "I know a psychiatrist."

"Why don't we go to a healing place?" Jin suggested, too. "We're all so stressed out. He can bring Sana with him, but we're still bringing Tzuyu."

"Cat fight." Dahyun commented which made the four of them crack a laugh, including Jimin. "What do you think, hon?" She asked Jimin who is silently reading a Playboy magazine at the back of the office.

He places the magazine down and agrees, "It's a good idea, but I'm worried if you'll enjoy the time."

"I'll be perfectly fine." Dahyun assured him. "When do you plan?" She asks her brothers.


On the other hand, Tzuyu still feels hurt. She's hurt when Taehyung came to her life and she doesn't know whether she should be happy or not.

She sat on one of the benches on that park and watched the autumn leaves fall one by one that night. She takes a breath and hugs herself because of the breeze.

"Here," out of the blue, a guy wearing layers of winter clothes hands her a few pieces of hot packs. "It's cold, so take it."

"You don't need to." She said, but still takes it from him. He sat beside her and sighed.

"I sense something."

"What?" She asked, raising a brow as she rubs the hot packs on her hands.

"Heartbreak." She rolled her eyes and smirked when she heard his answer. He laughed a little, revealing his bunny teeth.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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