20 : Sana & Tzuyu

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It's been a few months since dad's death and my condition is getting worse and worse everyday. I can't walk properly anymore, so I walk like a penguin--literally. A lot of people may look at me and say harsh words towards me whenever they give me a glance, but as much as possible, I don't want to hear those negative thoughts. I remain to be positive. I want to die happy; without any regrets.

There are moments that I can't use my hands because they get frozen. I don't write a lot, too, so Jimin takes over some paperworks for me. He asks me what should he write, read or report for the meetings and I honestly feel bad for being such a bother when in fact, he should be taking care of our kids. As much as we wanted to be with our children while they were young, we can't because I'm ill and Jimin is busy, so we had to hire a nanny for them. It's a little unfortunate, yes, but we had no choice.

I don't go out my office often because I'm afraid of the words that they will spit out of their fiery mouths. I walk funny and I can't control it anymore, so I had to use a wheelchair every time I need to go out of my office. I don't know why, but I'm embarrassed of my situation right now.

"What are you thinking of?" Jimin asked as he places down a cup of tea on my table. I smiled and held the cup with both hands, feeling the warmth of it. "Don't overthink. That's bad."

"I understand," I said, nodding. "Thoughts like those won't just fade away easily, you know." I told him honestly. People like them still bother me. I mean, I'm a human, too, but why do humans attack other humans, too? That's just freaking insane. People should support other people, too, because that's how it works. But I guess, we can't have it all.

"Hungry?" He asked and took a glance on the wall clock of my office. It's almost 12 o'clock in the afternoon and my stomach is grumbling. Dr. Jung told me to eat more healthier fruits, veggies and protein for my muscles. I still take the prescribed medicines he gave me to slow the progress. "Want Chinese?"

"I'm good with jajangmyeon." He nodded and fished his phone from his pocket to call for a delivery. "Say, Jihyun and Minhyun are turning two next month, right?" He stopped from texting and looked at me, petrified. "We should give them a big birthday party."

"Yeah, let's make it big." He finished typing and shove his phone right back in his pocket. "I'll call Mina."

"What for?"

"They're party planners and they go big." He looks very sure, so he called Mina and talked to her for a few minutes. He paced back and forth right in front of me until he finished the call. Smilingly, he faced me. "They're going to do it."

I grinned, "I'm glad." We just stared at each other and I felt comfortable. Looking into his eyes made me flashback to every little moment we had back then when we were unmarried.

Those times that I visit him to his cell, those meals we had and many more. I couldn't believe that I'll actually marry the man I liked. He hated me before, but that's alright because he showers his love for me every day of my life and I couldn't be more thankful. I'm so grateful that God gave me this man.



Tzuyu was on her way to the restaurant that Sana had texted her that morning. They agreed to meet that morning since Sana's belly is gradually getting bigger and bigger since she's on her sixth month already. Three more months and then she will bear her first child with Taehyung, even if she's the mistress.

Sana waited for Tzuyu on the restaurant and when she finally came, she waved her hand in the air, so she can see her. Tzuyu's eyes laid on her waving hand, so she went to her and sat across her. "Good morning," Tzuyu greeted.

"Good morning." Sana said back.

"What is it that you want to say to me?" Tzuyu asked and sipped on the wine glass.

"Please stay away from Taehyung." Tzuyu wanted to barf from what she heard. Taehyung's mistress is actually telling her to stay away from her fiancé. That's absurd in all aspects.

"Shouldn't I be the one telling that?" Tzuyu smirked.

Sana watched her, "Can't you see? We're having a family already and you're not going to be a part of it."

"That happened because you're irresponsible." Tzuyu stopped cutting her steak to look at Sana straight into her eyes. "No Kim will want you. You may have Taehyung, but his family is way harder to please."

"I don't need to please his family because we're not staying here." Tzuyu's eyebrow raised. "Once I give birth to our child, we'll fly back to the States to live a simple life. You're not part of it."

Her grip tightened as she holds the knife and fork on both hands, but she kept her cool. She doesn't want to make a scene with her fiancé's mistress. "Why don't you just go back to your boyfriend? Does he know that you're breaking a relationship?" She asked, pertaining to Jungkook.

"I broke up with him before going back to Taehyung." Sana then started eating.

"It's funny that you replaced Taehyung with that guy and now you're going back to him because of money." Sana's ears went red upon hearing Tzuyu's statement. She knows that it's not the truth, but why is she getting mad over it?

"I did not go back to Taehyung just for money." Sana said through gritted teeth.

"Then what?" Tzuyu asked. "I can't see any other reasons."

"I love him." Sana spilled. "I still love him and seeing him with you pained me."

"Then you shouldn't have broken up with him." Sana couldn't say anything anymore, so she just finished her food and stood up.

"Before you say anything, here." Sana fished a white envelope from her bag and placed it ontop of the table. "You're invited." She said with finality and walked away from Tzuyu's presence. Tzuyu did not look back or anything because she just stared at the envelope.

She took it and saw Sana and Taehyung's initials on the back of the envelope. Turns out that it was a wedding invitation after all.

"Fuck." She hissed.


The rest of Taehyung's family heard about the news that he and Sana are getting married on December after Sana gives birth to their child, so they rushed towards Taehyung's office.

Seokjin and Namjoon marched inside while Dahyun followed since Jimin is pushing her wheelchair for her. It's been a little while since they saw Taehyung because he keeps himself locked inside his office and he never comes home.

They were a bit surprised to see him in such messy state. His hair had gotten much longer and he's growing facial hair. His eyelids looked like they're about to fall because of the lack of sleep.

Jin was taken aback to see Taehyung in such state, "Tae, what happened to you?" Taehyung did not say anything. He just continued typing.

"Tae, answer us." Namjoon demanded, so Taehyung breathed heavily and scanned his siblings. His eyes fixed on Dahyun who is speechlessly staring at him while sitting on a wheelchair.


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