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"You're gonna be late." Jihyun knocked on Minhyun's door.

"Yah, can't you just wait?" Minhyun rolled his eyes on Jihyun and fixed his bow before going.

"Excuse you, I'm doing you a favor by waiting. I could've gone to the event already if it wasn't for you." Minhyun just frowned and followed his twin. A limousine parked right outside the hotel that they were staying at. It was sent by their dad, so they entered and waited to get to their destination. "What did you get for him?"


"Ugh, what a cheapskate."

"Then, what did you get him?"



They arrived at the place in no time. They were welcomed by their uncles and aunts who have been waiting for them two hours ago.

"Was traffic heavy?" Jeongnam asked.

"No. Minhyun dressed up for two hours." Jihyun said.

"Oh," Jungkook nodded. "You should have left him."

"That's what I said!" Jihyun and Jungkook laughed together.

"Hey, settle down." Namjoon told the kids and proceeded with the ceremony. They all went silent as the priest is saying his prayers. When he was done, they started giving the dead gifts.

"Well," Jihyun sighed. "This is quite sad."

"Yeah, it's been two years since uncle died." Jeongnam agreed.

Two years since Jimin died because of depression. They couldn't save him. After Dahyun's unsuspecting death, he fell into deep sadness. It was hard for him to cope up because he can't find any reason to live anymore. Even though he has to look after his kids and take care of them, he just can't.

His sadness became depression. It took him almost 10 years before He finally took him from his family. Jihyun and Minhyun grew up without having a father figure right in front of them, so Eunwoo did. He was more of a father than Jimin ever was.

"What if," Jihyun spoke. "Mom married Uncle Eunwoo instead? That would've been better." The bitterness of her tone can be noticed right away.

"Then, we won't live. Stupid." Minhyun scoffed.

"Stop saying words out of anger." Tzuyu told Jihyun. "Nothing will heal."

"Tzuyu is right," Jin nodded. "Let go of the past, Jihyun. Keeping the hate inside of you just because Jimin did not look after you while growing up will not change anything."

"What was so hard about accepting and learning the truth?" Jihyun was getting mad. "Can't he just accept that mom died? What was so hard about that?"

"It was hard." Taehyung spoke. "It's really hard. There will be a time you'll just think of your partner and wishing that you should be the one dead instead." He was speaking of Sana. Tzuyu knew that, so she kept quiet. Her relationship with Taehyung was really hard, but they learned each other's differences and accepted those.

"We don't know what was going inside Jimin's head." Eunwoo said. "But we do know what's going on inside his heart. Pain. So much pain that it makes him feel numb."

"So don't ever be mad at your dad." Hansol sighed at smiled at the young lady and man. "He did his best when he was still alive. He did his best to be the one deserving of Dahyun's heart and he earned it. He did everything to look after you and your mother when she was sick. His world revolved around your mother, you know."

Mina nodded, "That's true. Dahyun was very lucky to have Jimin as her husband. He may be reckless and irresponsible at times, but he's a great guy." She grinned softly. "So, his world just fell into pieces when he saw her die in front of her."

"He just needed someone to comfort him." Chaeyoung added. "But instead, you showed him no love and appreciation for what he did. The both of you kids were selfish. If it was hard for you, then how about him? He lost his wife and he's losing his children." She snapped.

Jihyun and Minhyun's heads fell and so as their tears.

"We'll leave the two of you to speak with your dad." Namjoon stated and they all walked away from the twins.

They stared at his niche, crying. Mourning. Feeling guilty. Feeling shameful.

It was a shame that Jimin followed Dahyun's death after 10 long years, leaving his twins alone, but surely, they would be watching them from above.


A corny epilogue. Anyway, thank you for reaching the end!


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