24 : Taehyung

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"Honey, what are you doing?" I asked him bravely. I honestly don't want to interfere with what he's doing, but it felt like it's a serious matter that we need to talk about.

He looked back at me right away and sniffed, "I-I'm just cleaning up the mess that I made." He smiled a little and finished whatever he was doing. He acted like he did not do anything suspicious and pushed my wheelchair until we reached the stairs.

I stood up and he helped me walk upstairs even if it took us almost 10 minutes because of the length of the stairs. He caressed my hair, "I love you." He whispered and fell on my arms. I almost lost balance, but it's good that I leaned on the wall. "Are you okay? Hon?" I asked him and his hug on me tightened. I don't know what's going on with him.

His eyes opened lightly and looked at me. He was smiling like a goofball. "Let's go to sleep." He yawned and dragged me to our bed, knowing that I can't walk well because of my disease. We threw ourselves to the bed as he snuggles to me.


All night, I was pretty occupied that I hardly had any sleep because of thinking what Jimin has been up to. He's not himself.

Today, he woke up late and I really don't want to bother his sleep, so I had to call Hansol to pick me up and bring me to work. I also gave Tzuyu unnie a call to help me prepare for work. It was a little embarrassing because she's got a lot to think about everything that Taehyung oppa put her through.

Hansol was driving me and Tzuyu unnie to our company when he asked me, "Was he drunk?" I looked at him right away and smiled.

"Probably." I answered safely. I don't want to give him any hints about what I witnessed about him yesterday, so I'll just keep my mouth shut for a moment. "Me and my brothers are planning to go to a healing place. I think you should come, too."

"Is Sana going to be there?" Tzuyu unnie asked.

I gulped, "T-Tae oppa will probably bring her there."

"I'm not going." She chuckled sarcastically.

"Come, unnie. You're supposed to be part of our family now." I looked at her through the side mirror, but she did not say anything. I really want to bring her to that healing vacation because they might just reconcile with each other.

"We're here." Hansol smiled and dropped us in front of the building. "I'll just get your wheelchair." I nodded and let him get the wheelchair on the back of his trunk. Tzuyu unnie opened the car's door for me and helped me sit on my wheelchair.

"Thank you." Her lips finally curved upwards. "Hansol-ah, thank you for bringing me here."

"No worries." He cupped my cheeks and squished my face, so we laughed together because of his silly act. "I'll go now."

"I'm looking forward for your movie." Tzuyu unnie waved her hand and Hansol shyly blushed when she mentioned his upcoming movie. "Let's go." Tzuyu unnie started pushing my wheelchair until we reached my office where she left me. "Give me a call whenever you need something. I'll be near." She patted my head before leaving.



Taehyung was fidgeting his fingers on his table as he hears Sehun's explanations. "We received a search warrant yesterday." He sighed and closed his eyes, feeling stressed because of the idiocy of his men. "It was a good thing that every last piece were disposed, so the cops did not see any sealed pack."

"Why the fuck are you so careless?" He asked, massaging his temples. Sehun can't answer back because he can sense that his boss is mad at him. "Where's Chanyeol?"

"Chanyeol is with his wife. They're practically hiding because he's wanted by the police." Taehyung groaned in frustration. Why did I hire these airheads? He asked himself. "He's going to hide forever now."

"Are you implying that I'll have to hide, too?"

"Hahaha! Boss, I did not say anything like that." Sehun laughed. "Just know that if we're going down, you will go down, too."

"I have my ways. Do you have any?" He confidently said.

"Jimin." His confident and flashy smile became a frown after hearing Jimin's name. "He knows everything. He knows you, your connections, your drugs and a lot more." With that, Sehun ended the call and Taehyung's mouth was left open.

"Fuck!" He yelled and threw his phone on the floor, causing it to break into pieces. As if on cue, Tzuyu entered his office and saw his mad face and broken phone.

She looked at him soullessly, "What the heck are you doing?" She asked.

"What are you doing here?" He asked with a clenched jaw.

Tzuyu walked towards him and placed a brown envelope on his desk. "Open it." She ordered, but he just looked at her unbelievably. "Open it or else."

"Or else what?" He asked.

"You'll lose me."

"Then, so be it."

"And our stocks." His face changed, so he took the envelope right away and checked the paper inside.

When he finished reading it, he placed it above the envelope and shook his head, "No. You can't do that." He said.

"I actually can." She sighed. "Find other investors, Tae. I'm tired of playing games with you, so--"

"--I'm marrying you." He said and looked away from her. Tzuyu felt dumbfounded when she heard such statement from him. He sighed and opened his drawer. He took a silver box and opened it, revealing a sapphire ring inside. "Marry me." He proposed, looking at Tzuyu.

She can't say anything. It was hard for her to recover. She's seeing her soon-to-be-husband proposing to her for real. He has a ring and the words and the only thing that needs to be said is her "I do".

"What are you up to this time?" Tzuyu smirked, holding back her tears and feelings. "Don't try to trick me again, Taehyung. I'm fed up."

"I'm serious this time." He heaved a deep sigh. He stood up and took the ring from to box. He held her hand and inserted the beautiful ring on her ring finger.

"What will happen to Sana?"

"We agreed on this." He gulped. He couldn't look into her eyes because he's afraid of falling for her. Well, falling in love with two people is possible and that's what is happening to him right now. "That's what I was trying to say to you inside the car yesterday, but I was too overwhelmed of seeing you with Sana's ex."

"Why? Were you jealous?" Tzuyu tried catching his gaze, but she can't.

"Do I have any rights?"

"God, yes!" She shouted and frustratingly rubbed her hands against her face. "You do have the right to be jealous because you're my fiancé even if we're arranged!"

Taehyung finally faced her and looked into her eyes, ready to be sucked in. He placed his hands on the desk and slowly leaned towards her. Little did they know, they were already sharing a kiss...

...and Sana is watching through his glass doors.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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