30 : Sana, Seokjin & Taehyung

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The wedding bells rang and it lighted up the church. The bright sunlight that goes through the church's colorful windows kissed Taehyung's face and I thought, "Wow, there's my man looking so fine." I smiled.

Today's the day of his wedding.

I can't believe that he's going to be married, even if I'm not the wife.

I'm not part of the entourage because they don't know me. I'm not to be part of this wedding. I should only act as a stranger right now because, well, I'm his mistress. Their reputation would only be bad if I make a scene. I guess, I should only be quiet and let the ceremony run through.

The church's doors opened and revealed Tzuyu in a big white gown. The crowd cheered as the host speaks. She and her parents slowly walked down the aisle as the guests record a video of her walk. The flash of the cameras almost blinded her and just by seeing this makes me smile and feel pain at the same time.

This was my dream. I have always dreamt of marrying the man of my dreams and now, she's fulfilling it for herself and I hope...for me, too.

They reached to Taehyung, so the parents gave her away while they both face the altar.

"I almost fell in love with her," my heart raced when I heard Jungkook's voice near my ear. I looked at him and he was smiling. "We were at our worsts."

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

He shrugged his shoulders and sighed, "Can't miss Tzuyu's wedding."

"How did you even know her?"

"Just like how we met, Sana." He smiled and honestly, it's a bit painful to see him crack a grin when he doesn't mean it.

I kept silent and we were to listen and participate throughout the whole ceremony.



Tae oppa lifted Tzuyu unnie's veil and kissed her, so we all cheered and clapped for their marriage. I looked around and noticed Sana unnie smiling and clapping, too. I feel sad for her, but this should be the way it is. We can't do anything else.

"Okay, so we're taking a group shot right now with the husband and wife's parents." We have no parent left, so Joon and Jin oppa replaced dad and mom. After the picture, we were then asked to take a photo with the newly weds.

I noticed how Tae oppa continuously glance at Sana unnie's direction, as if he's telling her to wait just for a little while. Sana unnie nodded and sat because she's pregnant. She might have gotten a little tired of standing up since earlier.

She held her stomach and grabbed onto the guy beside her. I just noticed that the guy beside her is her ex-boyfriend. She looks like she's in pain. I know how she feels because when I was pregnant with Minhyun and Jihyun, I can't move either. My babies keep on kicking when they were inside me.

"A-Agh!" She yelled, so a lot of people eyed her. I can see how Taehyung oppa's face changed immediately. A lot of fluid rushed down her legs, so I knew that her waterbag just broke.

"Get her to the hospital! She's about to give birth!" I shouted. My brothers went to her aid right away, but her ex-boyfriend carried her towards the outside of the church. I can hear people whispering, probably asking why is she causing a scene when she shouldn't be.

"Fuck," I heard Taehyung oppa hiss. "Let's go."

"How about the reception?" Tzuyu unnie asked.

He sighed in frustration, "Tell them I'll catch up." He was about to chase Sana unnie, but Jin oppa stopped him. "Don't pester me!" He yelled.

"Taehyung," Jin oppa held his shoulder. "You need to attend to the guests first."

"What? Can you hear yourself, Jin? Sana is about to give birth to our baby!" He shouted, just enough so that only people near them can hear. "I need to get there! She needs me!"

"Then so are the people here! A lot of people needs you, too." Jin oppa's voice raised, meaning that he's about to burst, too. Tae oppa looked confused because he can't choose. Jin oppa is right. There are more people who needs him here, rather than innthe hospital. I know Sana unnie will give birth to a healthy baby safely, so there is no need to be worried.

"C'mon, Tae. Proceed to the reception. Catch up later. You'll see her soon, too." Namjoon oppa said. Tae oppa can't do anything anymore because he really needs to be at the reception. He's the groom for chrissake. He can't leave Tzuyu unnie alone.

With shoulders fallen, Tae oppa went with Tzuyu unnie to the reception. We all followed, too.

I know that Sana unnie will be all right. Her ex-boyfriend is with her, anyway.



Sana was holding onto Jungkook's hand because Taehyung is nowhere to be seen. She's having a lot of pain because of the labor. They still won't operate on her because her cervix is not yet wide enough for the baby to come out.

"T-Taehyung..." she mumbled, almost crying. Jungkook pitied her for how she acted. "...b-bring him here, please?" She pleaded.

Jungkook sniffed and took her phone inside her pouch. He quickly dialed Taehyung's number, but he won't answer. He's currently dancing with Tzuyu that time on the middle, so he can't afford any distractions, but the only thing that he's thinking is Sana and their baby.

"H-He won't answer." Jungkook stuttered, and Sana's hand tightened.

"C-Call her sister. Call Dahyun--agh!" She almost rolled on the bed because of the pain. Jungkook quickly called Dahyun and this time, the phone was answered. "Hello? Dahyun? This is Jungkook, Sana's friend. Where's Taehyung? She badly needs him right now. She's about to give birth." He explained with no pauses. He's too pressured and hurried. He's also sweating.

"T-They're dancing in the middle. I'll tell it to him once he finishes."

"Can't they go faster?"

"The dance just started. This will end s-soon. P-Please tell her to hold on longer."

Jungkook sighed and glanced at Sana who is biting her lip, trying her best to endure the unbearable pain. "O-Okay. We're at Asan Medical Center. Please pass my message."

"S-Sure thing. We'll be there soon." The call ended and Jungkook kept on telling Sana to hold on much longer because Taehyung will be on his way soon.

The nurse checked on her and asked the doctor if they can operate on her already. With just a little glance, the ob-gyn nodded and they all rushed Sana towards the operating room. Jungkook stopped at the waiting area because he wasn't allowed to enter.

His heart beated fast and texted Dahyun to keep her updated.


After an hour or so, the doctor exited the operating room. Jungkook stood up right away and smiled, waiting for a good news.

"It was a baby boy. Congratulations," the doctor made a bitter smile and he almost jumped in joy, as if he's the husband. "And I'm sorry." The doctor bowed which made his eyebrows cross. His legs felt wobbly. He fell to the bench and watched the nurses go out from the operating room. They were walking with a hospital bed. "She did not make it due to severe bleeding."


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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