34 : Dahyun

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6 years after...

I heard the sweet sound of the birds chirping right outside my hospital room. The sunlight went through the trees, then entered to my room through the transparent windows. It's a good day, I suppose. A very good day, though I feel real chilly because of the airconditioning.

"Mommy! Mommy!" Nothing could beat the sound of my children. Jihyun and Minhyun came running towards me, bringing their handmade letters on their hands. They were soon followed by their dad and I just watched him smile as he makes his way towards me.

"Did you sleep well?" He kissed my forehead and offered me flowers. I gave him a slight grin. "Your kids have been wanting to visit you since last night. They couldn't even sleep and wait for today to come." He kept on caressing my hair and then carried each of our child to be able to sit beside me on my hospital bed. "How have you been feeling?"

"I-I love how you always m-make things better." I said and closed my eyes. He chuckled and gave me another kiss.

"Mommy! Did you eat already?" I hummed a yes and watch them smile right before my eyes.

"The kids don't have school, so you don't have to worry." Jimin said. I'm just amazed by how he knew I wanted to know that. "Kids, don't you have something to give to your mom?"

Jihyun handed me her letter. She knew I couldn't open it, so she did it for me and read the letter. "Dear Mommy, happy mothers' day! I wish you will get better soon! I love you! Love, Jihyunie!" With those, she kissed me on my cheek and gave me the tightest hug she could ever offer me. Tears started streaming through my cheeks. I'm just overwhelmed.

"Hey! It's my turn now!" Minhyun frowned, so Jihyun stepped back and let her twin brother say his mother's day message to me. "Dear mommy, happy mothers' day! I hope you will come back home now! I miss you! I love you sooooo much! Love, Minhyunie!" He kissed my other cheek and hugged me just like his sister.

"It's my turn now," Jimin pulled out a card from his pocket. I didn't expect that, so I'm a little surprised. "Dear mommy, happy moms' day. I'm hoping for better days with you. We'll always be here for you. We will never leave you. I will always stand by your side, in sickness and in health, honey." I cried even more. I started sobbing when his tears fell. This is too much for me to handle. "I love you so much. 'Til death, let us not part. Love, Chimmy." He was sobbing as he kissed my lips. I can see my children crying, too. We all cried together until he recovered himself and the kids.

"I have a surprise for you," Jimin smiled and wiped his tears. His nose and cheeks are red from crying too much.

He went to the door and opened it, revealing my two brothers with their wives and kids. "Happy mothers' day," Joonie oppa was the first one to greet me when they entered. He's holding a basket of white roses in his hand.

"Happy mothers' day," Jeongyeon unnie greeted and smiled wildly. "Greet your aunt," she told her kid.

"Happy mothers' day!" Jeongnam, their kid, ran towards me and handed me a stem of sunflower. I tried my best to smile, even though I can't.

"She says thank you," Jimin told the kid, if he ever wonders why I can't talk anymore.

"Happy mothers' day, Dahyunie." Jin oppa greeted and kissed me on my forehead. Mina greeted me, too, together with their son, Jimin.

Suddenly, we're all here. Except for Tzuyu unnie, Jungkookie, Hansol, Eunwoo, Doyeon, Chaeyoung and Yoongi--

"Oh, here they are." I looked at the door and saw the people I just mentioned enter.

I spoke too soon, didn't I?

"Happy mothers' dayyyyy!" Hansol yelled and even put up a big banner in his hands. That made me giggle. They greeted me simultaneously and went silent.

"Well, I know we're not really all complete yet." Jimin apologized. "I'm sorry, I couldn't contact Lippie and Tae hyung is still in jail." Baby, you don't have to worry about that.

"Oh, Lippie is here, actually." Hansol took out his phone and suddenly, we're facetiming my sister.

"Happy mothers' day, unnieeeeee!!!" Lippie greeted me through the screen. I laughed a little and hummed a thank you. "Sorry, I couldn't fly to Korea. I'm trying to save the company that Tae oppa left." I tried lifting up my hand and made a thumbs up. They all laughed at what I did. Jimin then held that hand and put it down, so that he can interlock it with mine. "I wish I can visit you some time."

"Your unnie would be very glad," Jin oppa told her. "Thank you for the effort, Lip."

"Everything for my fave sister."

"Well, she's the only sister you have, missy." Joon oppa said which made most of us laugh.

"I gotta head back to the office." Lip excused herself from us after greeting me again.

I roamed my eyes around the room and stared at their faces. These are the faces I never wanted to forget. Ever.

There are lots of things that happened within the past six years. We had Taehyung oppa arrested and even though he had the best attorney to defend him on the court, he was still found guilty. The authorities raided his underground warehouses where all of his workers were found, too. They faced imprisonment as well as their leader, but Taehyung oppa just have heavier consequences to face.

I can still remember how mad he was when the police knocked on his door that Sunday morning. He was sleeping by the couch because he doesn't like sleeping beside Tzuyu unnie. I was with the police during that time because Eunwoo was there, too. He was trying to get off from the grip of the cops, but he can't. He was handcuffed right away.

I don't know if it's right to have your own brother imprisoned, but I do think he needs to pay the price to all faults he had done.

"I don't mean to make everyone tear up, but," Eunwoo spoke. "I'm gonna miss you." They started sobbing. Their tears that they have been holding back these past years just fell from their eyes. All I can hear was their sobs, especially my kids'. "I'll miss you so much, Dubs."

"You're our sunshine," Hansol sniffed. "Always there to cheer us up during our bad times."

"I can't find a better friend than you." Chaeyoung made my heart sore. "You never left."

If I can only move and give them hugs...

...but I can't.

I'm stuck on my death bed. This is where I will die.


Late update! Apologies! Oh, and a lot might ask why there's a sudden fast pacing of the story. I'm just trying to finish this well and alter A LOT from the plot, so I'm sorry. I just wanna quit writing soon :)  -징


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