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My phone started vibrating, so I checked it and saw messages from her. She said that she just landed on the airport because her flight was moved. "Eunwoo-ssi," I called my best friend right away and he responded. "Can you pick her up at the airport?"

"What?" He was flustered. "Didn't you say that she will go here tomorrow?"

"Her flight was moved." I told him. "Can you do me that favor?"

He nodded right away which made me smile a bit. He's that friend who is really willing to do anything for his friend. "How am I suppose to know who she is among all those people?" He asked before he exits the room.

"I'll message you." He nodded and waved his good bye to me and Mina before he went out.

"Who are you talking about?" Mina asked, probably curious. I don't know if Jin oppa have told her already about her, but it seems like he hasn't yet. This is a family secret and since Mina is family, I think she needs to know, too.

"Our sister." I answered which made her completely shook. "Yeah, I kind of have a younger sister."

"Younger sister? So, does that mean that she's illegitimate, too?"

"She's a legitimate daughter." I said which probably confused her more. Yep, I'm the only illegitimate daughter of the family. Truthfully, my position should be hers, but since she doesn't want coming back in Korea, dad gave me the secretary position in the company. Now, she's handling four of our hotels in the States. "Well, I'll explain it later when Tae oppa is here."

"Wait, so Tae oppa doesn't know about this?" I nodded. "Gosh, you're all dead."

"Technically, us, because you know this secret, too." She chuckled and just shook her head. After a while, Jimin and Jin oppa arrived at my room. I don't have any idea why they wanted to go out, but I don't think it's about smelling fresh air. The world is too polluted to be smelling fresh air. #EconomistDahyun

"Where's Eunwoo?" Jin oppa questioned and snaked his wife's waist to pull her towards him. I laughed at such subtle gesture that he made. "What are you laughing at?"

"You two are cute." I pointed and Mina seemed to blush. "Mina-yah, why blush?"

"She's not used to being complimented." Jin oppa said, but I just raised a brow because Mina is probably too embarrassed right now. In my perspective, she's not the type to express her feelings so well.

"Anyway," I breathed deep. "Eunwoo is out to fetch her."

"Wait, isn't she coming tomorrow?" Jimin asked who is standing beside my bed. Smiling, I held his hand.

"She's coming today because her flight gor rescheduled. It's a good thing since there's a family dinner." He just nodded at what I said. "By the way, how is dad?" I saw how Jin oppa and Jimin meaningfully looked at each other and I sensed something awful that I do not want to believe at.

Jimin smiled at me, "Father-in-law is okay, but he's not yet waking up." My heart sank. As much as I want dad to wake up now to see his daughter, I know I can't because I don't have the powers to do so. I guess I'll just have to pray that he would wake up soon.


I was discharged by 5 PM. Dr. Jung gave me some more pills to take, so the progression of my disease will slow down. He also gave me the permission to be discharged now though there's still this patch near my temple because of my wound.

The Park's || the kim's book 2 [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now