16 : Taehyung

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I saw, we all saw, how Taehyung oppa's face shifted from being annoyed to being confused out of a sudden. Eunwoo, on the other hand, offered his hand to my sister as she makes her way inside. It was oddly silent and awkward in here, so I decided to break the ice.

"Welcome!" I smilingly ran towards her to give her a big hug. She also seemed eager and enthusiastic to meet my brothers and friends. "We have been waiting for your arrival since forever!"

"I know," she giggled and we faced the people. All of them are smiling except for Tae oppa. I bet Tzuyu unnie also knows about this. She's been told for sure. Jeongyeon unnie also seemed fine and excited because Joon oppa have told this matter about her. "Good evening." She formally greeted them.

Jin oppa and Joon oppa decided to go towards us to give her a warm hug. "Welcome to the family." Joon oppa whispered as they embrace her tightly.

"Wait, I'm not getting any of this." Tae oppa chuckled sarcastically. His face looks like he really can't believe that we're being so hospitable to this person right here. "Who are you, miss?"

She seemed tensed, but managed to make a smile. She then faced everyone and introduced herself warmly, "Good evening. I'm Kim Jung Eun, but my English name is Kimberly Lippington or simply, Kim Lip." I feel proud as an older sister and I don't know why.

"Kim Jung Eun? As in, the prime minister of North Korea?" He laughed, but no one followed him. Sometimes, I really do get annoyed by his jokes because it becomes offensive to other people. I know that he's an intelligent man and all, but that's he's got a gross attitude.

"Tae," Joon oppa called him and he eyed him right away. "Everyone, this is Kim Lip and she's our sister." They instantly congratulated Lippie as part of our family. I observed Tae oppa's expressions and I can tell that he can't believe what Joon oppa just announced. Tae oppa stood up from his seat and exited through the doors without saying any excuses. We all noticed that and just by reading Lippie's face, she seemed worried.

"C'mon, let's sit." Jin oppa escorted her to her seat beside me. He pulled her the chair and she gladly sat beside me. Everybody continued on welcoming Lippie and did not even pay attention to Tae oppa who just left the room.

"Wow! Where do you stay in the States?" Hansol asked her excitedly.

Lippie giggled, "I stay in New York since that's where the main branch of our hotel stands."

"Oh! I was born there!" He said with big expressions in his face.

They all started asking her a lot of questions and after that, we decided to introduce ourselves. The introduction was a little long because Hansol kept on saying random stuff that Lippie, honestly, doesn't need to know.

"The one who stormed out earlier was the eldest brother. Name's Kim Taehyung." Jin oppa told her.

"Oh, right. I forgot that he's still my fiancé. Please excuse me." Tzuyu unnie politely excused herself from us to follow her jerk fiancé. I love Tae oppa, but I think he's got this sick attitude that makes people barf.

"Extremely handsome!" Chaeyoungie commented as soon as Tzuyu unnie fled which made Lippie cackle.

"Extremely rich!" Hansol followed.

"Extremely arrogant!" When Eunwoo said those words, we all shared a laugh. We are so into laughing that my sister even cried tears of joy. I bet it's been a while since she had some real laugh.

It was 7 PM when the food were served. I wanted to call Tzuyu unnie, so I excused myself to call her and my brother from dinner.

I exited the room and looked for them until I saw them arguing at the terrace. It's a good thing that there are glass doors in between, so I won't hear their cusses.

Sighingly, I walked through the doors and their attention was on me right away. "It's dinner time. Perhaps, you two are hungry?" Tae oppa groaned in frustration and walked past me while I catch Tzuyu unnie shed a few tears. "Unnie, you can go home if you want."

She smiled, pretending to be strong, "No, I-I'm fine. Just had a little burst out." She then walked towards me and gave me a big hug before we go back to the hall.


It was Taehyung oppa who brought the heavy area inside this room and it is not good. His presence alone makes your spine shiver in terror. His scary eyes pierces through yours, as if they know your biggest secret. He's terrifying. That's it.

"A-Anyway," Jimin stuttered when he stood up. He looked down on me and smiled and I knew what he meant. He's about to say the secret that we've been hiding from them for weeks. "We organized this family dinner for a very important announcement." He had a bittersweet smile flashed on his face. My heart was pumping wildly. I am overthinking of how will they actually react to Jimin's news.

"Ohh, is someone pregnant?" Jeongyeon unnie wriggled his eyebrows up and down to tease me, but I just laughed. They all started teasing me about being pregnant again when I just gave birth to my twins. Gosh, these people.

"I wish, but that's not it." Jimin laughingly said.

"Oh, he wishes, all right. Dahyunie, maybe you want to give this guy a good ol' slap in his ass?" Chaeyoung made a side comment that made me want to hide from embarrassment. They laughed at her statement, but it just made me red.

"We'll surely do that in the future." Jimin chuckled and looked at me before continuing. "Okay, kidding aside, we want to tell you a very important thing." He offered his hand to me make me stand, so I took it and stood beside him. I looked at them and hid my nervousness and cowardice aside.

This is it, Dahyun. They're your family. They will surely understand you.

"I am dying." I said. Most of them may not realize what I just said because it may look like that I'm just jesting or something, but it is real. I really am dying. "I have a disease, it's called Spinocerebellar Ataxia, where my cerebellum is degenerating, so my motor skills are slowly getting rusty." I chuckled, but they did not. I want to lift up the gloomy atmosphere, to be honest, but it's not the time. "The longest period of time that a person with this disease is atleast for 10 years." I added and eyed each one of them. I caught Jin oppa's eyes getting red and so is Joon oppa's. I glanced swiftly at my husband and his nose is turning pink. He's sniffing and holding back his tears. "Don't worry, I'm still okay. I'm going to be braver for you guys."

My two brothers stood up from their seats to give me a warm hug. I welcomed them in my arms and started sobbing on their chests. It became gloomier because I can hear some whisper and sob after they heard what I said.

I can feel my brothers' kisses on top of my head and the warmth of those kisses just goes straight to my heart. I am so blessed to have brothers like them. I am blessed to receive a family that is as good as them. It can't be any better than this.


Anyway, to those who are a bit confused with the age gaps, here are the list of characters arranged chronologically (oldest-youngest).

Taehyung - 26
Sana - 25
Seokjin - 25
Yoongi - 25
Namjoon - 24
Tzuyu - 24
Jeongyeon - 24
Jimin - 23
Dahyun - 23
Chaeyoung - 23
Eunwoo - 23
Hansol - 22
Kim Lip - 22

Whoever does not know Kim Lip, she's a member from LOONA. STAN LOONA.

Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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