12 : Jimin & Dahyun

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"Hon," I held Jimin's cheek and kissed the tip of his nose. "Hey," he opened his eyes and his tears just came out from them. "I'm sorry for what happened earlier. I did not control myself--"

"Mom doesn't love me, right?" His voice cracked when he said his words and it just tore my heart right away. "She doesn't." He held my hand on his cheek and cried harder, so I pulled him towards me and let him cry in my arms.

"L-Let's be strong, okay?" My voice was faint as well while he continued on sobbing. I kissed his hair and caressed his back repeatedly just to comfort him. I cried with him.

We stayed like that for a few minutes until he stopped. I looked down on his face and held him. "Remember this, love. If your family turns their back on you, I'll be here, standing beside you, holding your hand. Even if the whole world neglects you, remember that I will be here. I'll stay behind you and love you." I touched my forehead with his and closed my eyes. I said everything from my heart sincerely. "Don't forget this, okay? Even if I die--"

"No," he tearingly said. He cried stronger. "D-Don't."

I smiled and sniffed, "Even if I die, I'll be looking down from above. I will guide you." I then kissed him on his lips. "I love you, so much." So much that it breaks me to see you breakdown in front of me. So much that I hate the fact that I will leave you and the kids one day. So much that it scares me that you may fall out of love.


I woke up early in the morning, so I can make my family some breakfast, but I had a hard time moving. I can slowly feel my legs feeling so numb from walking even though I haven't done so many things for this morning yet.

I was kind of irritated since I'm having a hard time doing this myself, so I called Eunwoo to help me out. It's good that he's already awake because he went to the gym to work out.

"Good morning," he waved his hand as soon as I opened the gate for him. "How have you been?" He cupped my cheeks and squished my whole face. Aigoo, this man!

"I'm doing well." I smiled. He is one of those people who still doesn't know of my disease. I don't even know if I should tell them about my illness because I'm certain that they have their own problems already. I don't want to be part of their burden. "Can you make the side dishes? I've cooked rice already."

"They're too easy," he pouted, but I just laughed. "Just tell me that you made me come here because you've missed me." He did some aegyo in front of me, but nothing touched my heart. I cackled and shook my head sideways because of his playfulness.

"Maybe it's the other way around, hmm?" I asked.

"Maybe," he shrugged his shoulders and started helping me in making breakfast. It's been an hour and a half, yet Jimin is not yet awake. It's Sunday and we should go to church this morning. "You going to church?" It's like Eunwoo read my mind.

I faced him and nodded, "How about you?"

"Sure." He grinned widely, showing off his eyesmiles. "I'll just contact Hansol and invite him, too."

"That's good." I said and suddenly thought of my brothers. It's been a while since they last went to church because of their busy lives. "Should I invite my brothers?" I asked Eunwoo.

"Taehyung hyung definitely needs to go to church." He told me which made me chuckle. "For all the things that he had done."

"That's too harsh, Cha Eunwoo."

"Truth is always harsh, okay? Keep that it mind." He patted my head. "How is your dad, by the way? Is he awake?"

"I haven't visited him yet." I sighed. "I'll pray for him and visit him later."

"Maybe we can all visit him. He might feel our presence and wake up." He suggested. I don't know if his imagination helps our situation, but we may never know. I've heard stories that some people actually do wake up from their long sleep when his/her beloved people visits him/her. We may take a shot.

"Maybe." I agreed.

"I heard she's coming tomorrow?" Oh, her. I hummed a yes. "I can drive her."

"Drive her where?" I asked.

"From the airport, silly." He laughed. "Maybe you'll be busy."

"Thank you for helping out, but you may be busy. I don't want to disturb you."

"It's my free day tomorrow." He assured me, but I still ha doubts. "It's the only help I can offer."

"Okay, fine. I'll just contact her to inform her." He looked glad when I agreed with his idea. I suddenly had a hunch that he likes her, but that would've been ridiculous. They don't even know each other. Eunwoo only knows her based on our stories, but he really haven't met her and same goes to her.

After a while, we finished, so we set up the table. I told Eunwoo that I will just go upstairs and return to him after coming down with my family.

As soon as I entered our room, I saw Jimin sitting on our bed. He's head is held low and silent. He's just probably staring at his knees or at the floor.

I walked towards him and squatted, so I can see his face. His eyes are swollen because of all the tears he cried last night. I smiled and held his hands, "Good morning, handsome." I lifted up his head and stood up. He's looking away and I don't know why. Maybe his mood is still down because of his mom.

I kissed the tip of his pointy nose, "Today is a great day, honey. You don't want to be late for church, right?"

"Could you please give me some time alone?" I was a bit shocked from the opposing reaction that I received. I was expecting him to cheer up a little, but he kept a straight face. "Please."

I gulped and took my hands back, "Okay. I'll come down with the kids. Just go down and eat breakfast if you want. I love you." I said and took the twins with me. It's good that both of them are in good mood. My babies are both smiling and I just want to keep those precious smiles.

I was heading towards the door when I suddenly fell out of nowhere. My head was hurt, but I was able to save my babies. None of them fell from my arms. When I slipped, they landed on my chest, so they're completely safe.

"Dahyun? Dahyun!" I still heard Jimin's shouts and footsteps, but I was unable to get up because I can't control my legs. I can't control my whole body and it scared the hell out of me.

I closed my eyes and sighed deeply, but everything started to get blurry until everything went black.


Any guesses on who "her" is? 🤔

Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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