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Taehyung goes out with Tzuyu, but whenever the days ends, he goes home to see Sana. That's his everyday life before their wedding shall take place.

Sana was leaning against Taehyung's chest as they watch a movie, "I have the rights to be jealous, right?" She asks as she plays with the buttons of his shirt. Taehyung was already feeling hot, so he held Sana's hands and interlocked his with hers.

He sniffed the back of her palm, "You do." He nodded and faced her. He smiled a little and kissed her forehead. You do. He repeats it to himself as he closes his eyes. "I've been feeling sick lately."

"That's because you're always so high. You smoke everywhere, too." Sana said, making his train of thought pause for a while. He never told anyone that he uses drugs to escape his problem and so as his chainsmoking. "Your cherry lips are fading away." She mentioned, tracing the red lips that Taehyung used to have. "Stop that before anyone else finds out your vices. Especially the drugs, babe." She sniffed the collar of his shirt and coughed right away as soon as the stench of his cigarette came in right inside her nose.

"How did you know that I was smoking...?" He asked her. She sat up straight and sighed. Her eyes are glued on the TV, failing to look at him straightly. "Sana," he called.

"I take out the trash here, babe." She sighingly said as she plays with her fingernails. "I can see those cigarette butts...and the cannabis packs."

"I-I'm sorry." He felt embarrassed because he knows that Sana is disappointed at him. "I-I'll do my best to stop."

"What's stressing you out anyway?" She raised a brow. She's somehow really worried of how he was acting lately, with all the drugs and cigars. "You should tell me. I'm your mistress."

Taehyung grunted and eyed her, "How many times have I told you to stop calling yourself my mistress?"

"A lot." Sana honestly responded. She stood up and took the Chinese take out for her. "Well, am I not?" Taehyung can't reply because she really is his mistress. She's his other woman and if things did not complicate, she wouldn't be. Sana leaned towards him and kissed his forehead. "I'll be off to bed. Good night." She whispered and went to their room. Taehyung just sat on that couch and decided to light up a cigar.



It's been a few months. We already celebrated Jihyun and Minhyun's birthdays. A lot of people went since it's a celebration for our twins. Even though it's their second birthday, I want to make them feel that every year is special and different. I may be gone for the next month, years--I can't tell, actually. I just want to be with them until I die. I want to cherish every memory we have.

I think it's Sana unnie's due this month and no one have told us which gender the baby is. We haven't had a healing yet because we're all packed with schedules. We can't insert this in our schedule.

Tzuyu unnie's wedding with Taehyung oppa is going to take place this Sunday, so we're pretty busy because of everything that needs to be prepared. I haven't heard anything from Sana's ex-boyfriend anymore. I think he must've known that Sana unnie is pregnant and Tzuyu unnie is getting married. I feel sad for him, though.

About Jimin, we haven't had a good conversation yet. He's always so all over the place lately, and even though I have suspicions, I can't confront him yet. I'm a bit nervous of how would he react, too.

Out of the blue, I received a call from Eunwoo, so I took my phone and happily greeted him, "Hey, Eunwoo."

"Dahyun-ah! Are you free tonight?"

"What?" I laughed. Oh God, is he asking me out? "Are you asking me on a date?"

"Nope. I'll introduce someone to you, so I was wondering if you could come and meet her, but if you can't, then--"

"Wait, handsome boy." I cut him off, a bit confused because he mentioned that he will introduce someone to me. Does this mean that he's dating someone? That someone caught his interest besides me? "Am I not dreaming?"

"Hahaha, yeah, Dahyun!" He laughed even more. My heart felt light because he was happy. I am happy for him, really. He finally found someone to be with happily. "So, can you come?"

"I'm in a wheelchair, you know." I told him and looked at my paralyzed feet. "I'll meet you at your house, how's that?"

"No, no, no, no! I forgot that you're sick," he sounded somewhat embarrassed, probably because he forgot that he's got a friend who can't walk anymore. "I'll go to your house. How's that?"

I pouted, thinking hard if I should let them in later, "Okay, sure." I nodded. "Why should you introduce me to her, anyway? It's not like I'm some important lady."

"You are, to me." He sounded so soft and for the nth time, he just made my heart melt. His words are the type of words that would actually make you feel so special. He has that ability and because of that, he can attract women. "I want to let her meet my first love."

"Okay, if you say so." We both laughed. "Dinner is on me."

"Okay, okay. I'll get back on you later." I just hummed and ended the call. I stared at my phone for a while and placed it back on the desk. I started moving myself to see Jimin on the living room. I think that he's with Jihyun and Minhyun and to see that beautiful picture pleases me a lot.

I smiled when I saw him play with the twins. "Yah, Park Jimin." I called him and he looked at me right away.

He smiled, but his eyes are red and I can see some powder on the table. Drugs. I don't know why I suddenly felt emotional when I saw that white powder. He promised me before to stop dealing with drugs, but it has happened now. "Hey, honey." He smirked and stood up, leaving our kids on the crib.

He slowly walked towards me and cupped my face, "You seem off. Are you okay?" He sniffed.

I held his hand and lowered my head. I can't look at him, "W-We've got guests tonight, honey. Please clean up your cannabis." I can feel his hand stiffen. He must've been shocked to know that I know his vice.

"Y-Yes. O-Okay," he stuttered. He turned away from me and started fixing his mess. I watched him do that. He sniffed some and it made him act faster. I cab just pity him for what's been going through his head lately.

I don't know if I'm the one to blame because of what's happening to him right now. He's my responsibility as his wife, but I let this happen. I should've been with him more instead of working.

He was still all over the place when he finished. He was jumping and all, and my heart is just hurt to see him in a state like that. "Jimin, please stop." He did, but he looked so frustrated. "Please go upstairs and calm yourself." Just like a kid, he did what I told him to do. He left me on the first floor with our kids on the crib.

Even if it hurted my heart, I called Jin oppa as I hold back my tears. "O-Oppa, please help me with Jimin."

"What? Why?"

"He's like..." I sighed. "...all over the place lately. I want him to get a talk with a psychologist. Is that possible?"

"Okay, little sister. I'll book him a reservation with my friend."


"Anything for my sister."


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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