31 : Taehyung

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I have no words.

I watched them bring Sana's dead body to the morgue.

I held my head down, trying to stop the flow of my tears. I don't know why I'm crying. Maybe because it was very unexpected. I never knew that she'll be taken from us that fast. She still has a lot of things she wants to do. She told me her dreams when we were still together. I just can't see why she broke up with me when I'm ready to marry her and give her the life she wants.

Why would she choose Tae hyung who only caused her pain and nothing else?

"Jungkook!" I looked back when I heard Tzuyu's voice. She's in her wedding gown and she's running towards me. Tae hyung and their whole clan followed her until they stopped when they reached me.

"How was she?" Tae hyung asked, wanting to peep from outside the windows. "How's our baby?"

"You're five minutes late." I said with a low voice. I felt his eyes locked on me. He wants an explanation for sure, but I don't have anything to explain. Sana's dead. What more does he want to know more than that? "Your baby's fine. It's a baby boy."

"Why is your nose red? Did you cry?" Tzuyu asked, placing her hand on my shoulder. I smiled a little and shook my head, so that she won't be worried. "Where's the baby?"

"At the nursery," I answered.

"Well, did she name him?" Jin hyung asked.

I glanced at him and shook my head. I don't know if she named the baby because I didn't have time to ask. "Where's Sana?" Tae hyung asked.

My heart pounded wildly because he will surely react badly. He's terrifying when he's mad. "Where is she?" Tzuyu asked.

"I-I'll take you to her." I walked past them and let them follow me. I don't know if they are familiar with the medical center and its hallways, but I've been here a lot of times, so I know where the morgue lies.

"Why are we on the left wing of the hospital? The rooms are on the right wing," I heard Dahyun's husband ask. I did not bother answering them. I want them to see the answer to their queries themselves.

Finally, we arrived at the morgue. We stood behind the door. "Wait, are you telling us that--"

"I'm sorry for your loss." I said and looked away from their gazes. Tae hyung rushed in and found Sana's dead body. They all followed, even though the place is cold and creepy.

I remained outside, waiting for them to come back. I don't know what to do. I didn't know how to react either. I did not know that Sana has left that kind of impact to them.

After a few minutes, Jin hyung came out. "Thank you for bringing her here." He made a big bow which shocked me. "Can you please excuse me and my family for a while?" Zoned out, I nodded and left the hospital just like what he asked.



I watched Taehyung cry over Sana's cold and dead body. I sniffed as my heart clenched. I did not expect this--none of us did. I can't believe that Sana, the woman whom I used to hate the most for sharing Taehyung's love, is now dead. I don't know what to feel, honestly. I can't be happy because she's dead. If she's dead, how can Taehyung be happy? I can't make him. He never showed me that I can make him happy. I don't even know if he's going to recover.

"T-This was too soon," Dahyun spoke, a little stiff because of her immobile body. She cried and Jimin wiped her tears right away.

"Fuck you all for hating her when she did nothing to you." Taehyung said through gritted teeth and it made me feel nervous right away. His tone was really scary. "I don't want to see you."

"But Tae, you can't stay here forever." Namjoon said, but Taehyung's rage just became worse.

"Get out! Get out!" He said, pointing us to the door. "I don't want to fucking see you all! Especially you, Seokjin!"

"What did I do?" Jin asked, confused why Taehyung called him.

"You fucking forced me to stay at the reception when Sana needed me! I don't care about the guests! I care about Sana more!" He yelled, which made us silent. He can only blame any person inside the place because he's too mad. "Get the fuck out!"

"You're waking the fucking dead," Namjoon rolled his eyes and coolly left the place. They sighed and decided to leave since they can't do anything anymore, but I decided to stay.

"Why aren't you following them?" He asked, low toned.

"You're my husband." I spoke. "I must always be with you."

"Yeah, you're right," he nodded and straightened up. His eyes met mine and I felt nervous out of the blue. "You're my wife," he then heaved a deep breath. "On paper." I knew he had something more to say than that. Breathing heavily, I stepped back and smiled even though he can't see it.

"Right," I nodded. "Text me when you need a lift or something. I'll be back at the mansion." He didn't say anything anymore, so I walked away. I know that my heart hurted for the nth time again, but I think I should just accept everything. Taehyung married me and we technically have a child already because of their birth child.

Right, Tzuyu. This is a new step. A new phase of your life.



We are all spaced. We stopped by the hallway of the hospital and remained silent still because of Sana's unexpected death. "Why are you still here?" We turned our heads to Tzuyu noona who is walking towards us. She seemed okay which is so strange for me. She's half-smiling, but I know that beneath those smiles is a mourning heart.

"Where's o-oppa?" Dahyun asked.

She shrugged her shoulders, "He's still with Sana." She stopped when she reached us. "Let's go home."

"What? We're not going to wait for him?" I asked.

I heard Seokjin hyung chuckle sarcastically, "Heh, you saw how he treated us earlier. He'll wait for Sana to wake up."

"Dumbass," Namjoon hyung whispered as he shakes his head. "Let's just leave Taehyung here. He wants that, too, anyway."

"I'll follow," Tzuyu noona said as we start heading back to our cars.

"W-What? W-Why?" Dahyun asked.

"I'll take care of the hospital bills."

"You sure you'll stay?" Seokjin hyung asked and Tzuyu noona nodded right away as if she's really sure; as if she won't regret it. "Okay. Call us if you need help." She then nodded and watch us go.


It's been a two days since the death of Sana noona, and we're all helping each other for the funeral. We asked Tae hyung if he wants her to be buried, but he suggested he wants her to be cremated instead. Since that's his wish, we're all taking care of it already.

"H-Hon, please help me with combing my hair. I-I can't move my arm." I took Dahyun's comb from her hand and did the job for her. I almost forgot that I still have a wife who needs me because of her illness.

I guess I really am lucky of having her. She saved me in my depression. She helped me change. She never threw me out and I swear that I'll be with her 'til the day she dies.


I AM SO SORRY FOR HAVING SLOW UPDATES. I'm still currently busy with school and my responsibilities. I hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was rushed. Thank you!

Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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