23 : Jimin

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"H-Honey," I turned around to see Dahyun's face. She seemed immobilized, so I ran to her, cupped her face and asked what's wrong. She smiled a little and held my hands with her trembling palm, "I-I can't p-put my signature here." She said, pointing the contract on her desk. I smiled and helped her in signing the contract. "Thanks." She said, so I quickly pecked her on her cheeks and watched her do her thing.

My heart is beating wildly because I know that worse things are happening to her right now. One day or another, she might be lying on her death bed already and it just scares me a lot. Those kind of thoughts scared me to death.

"Do you want to take a rest first?" I asked her and she tilted her head to my direction. I caressed her hair, "Let's get you exercised."

"I'm honestly afraid..." she paused and sighed. She failed to stare back at me and that's because I know that she doesn't want me to see her in a weak state. "...that they will be disgusted of me. That p-people will eye me f-for sitting on a wheelchair." She breathed deeply.

"Honey," I held her chin and made her face me. "Don't mind whatever they say. They never knew what your story is, so they can't judge you. The world is full of judgmental people and you cannot undo that, but you can prove them wrong." She finally smiled sincerely and it made my heart jump. I don't know how my heart still beats happily even though she's starting to change. I'd like to let it stay that way, anyway. "C'mon, let's go."

"Where are we going?" She asked and put her pen down. I took her hand as she slightly stands up from the swivel chair. She walks in a very stiff manner; like a penguin, as the doctor says and because she's a little embarrassed of hearing random people say bad things about her, she decided to use a wheelchair instead.

She sat on her wheelchair and so I took her bag and gave it to her, "Are you fond of dogs?" I asked her.

I heard her chuckle, so I looked at her and there she is with her afraid eyes. "I'm scared of them." My eyebrows raised. We've known each other for quite a long time already and we've married each other, but I never knew that she's afraid of dogs. "They bit me on my finger when I was still a kid, so I'm not really okay with dogs." I stopped pushing her wheelchair before we exit her office. "Why do you ask? Are we adopting one?" She asked.

"I was thinking of visiting a dog café near this area." I said. "It's okay, though. I'll just look for somewhere more fun." I chuckled and pushed her as we step out of her office. "Please tell them that Mrs. Park stepped out from her office because she's needs to be in an urgent matter." I told to her secretary who is sitting on the bench.

"Silly," she laughed and slapped my arm gently. "Yoonha, we're just going out for a while. Don't take it seriously. We'll be back in a few." Her secretary nodded, so we headed to our car.


"Hey, isn't that Tae hyung?" I asked Dahyun when I saw her brother. He just got out of the car and I think he's headed towards this dog café that we're supposed to visit.

Dahyun tilted her head right away, "What is he doing there?" She asked while I just wait for the green light to flash. "Let's go to him."

"Aren't you still mad at him?" I asked her, staring at Tae hyung who is standing behind the glass walls. I chinked my eyes, trying to look further. "Isn't that Tzuyu noona?"


"Inside the café and it seems like she's with someone." Her eyes widened, but we had to go because the go sign already flashed.

She tapped my arm, "Hon, let's go back."

"What?" I asked, a little surprised because of the sudden request. She did not speak, but she surely did look back until her neck hurted. "Okay, I'll look for a U-turn slot." Just as I said, I turned our way around and stopped nearby. "What are we doing here?" I asked, but she did not answer my questions. She quickly hopped off from the car and started to walk even though she's a bit unbalanced, so I rushed to her and assisted her.

We reached to her brother right away who is still staring at Tzuyu noona through the window, "Hyung," I called him, but it looked like he did not hear what I said. "Hyung," I repeated and then he finally glanced at me.

He looked spaced out, "W-Why are you here?" He asked and gazed at Dahyun for a split second. "Where's your wheelchair?" He questioned.

"We dropped by here." Dahyun was the one to answer this time. "W-What are you doing here, oppa?" He gulped and diverted his eyes from us. "Are you fetching Tzuyu unnie?"

"N-No," he denied and looked down. "I'll be going now."

"Tae?" Our heads tilted so quickly when we heard Tzuyu unnie's voice. She's with a man whom I haven't seen yet before, but I feel like Dahyun and Tae hyung already knew the guy just by observing how they look at him. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

Tae hyung held her wrist and pulled her towards him, "You're coming with me."

"You're hurting her, hyung." I clearly saw how Tae hyung's jaw clenched. "Please let go of her wrist."

"Shut up, bastard." He threatened. "Hop in." He ordered Tzuyu noona with an authoritative voice. "The scene's over. You can now go back to your own businesses." He said and entered his car. He drove away fast, too.



Jimin was sleeping on the couch when I arrived our house. I told him to get home first because the kids might be looking for their parents.

"Thank you," I smiled at our driver and told him to go home, too. I went near to Jimin with my wheelchair. "Honey," I kissed his forehead which made his eyes open slightly. "Why don't you go upstairs now?"

"Oh, you're here already." He sniffed and rubbed his eyes. I noticed that his eyes are somehow red, but I just assumed that he must've been sleep deprived these past weeks because of all the stress and work we go through every single day.

He stood up and leaned towards me to give me a kiss on my forehead as he cups my cheek with his right hand. "I'll take you upstairs. Just wait here." He said and walked away from me, but judging by how he steps, his legs looked wobbly. He also did not walk straight.

"Maybe he just drank some soju," I whispered to myself, trying to hypnotize myself, so that nothing may happen bad to him--to us.

He was a little slow, so I decided to take myself to the kitchen since he went there. I heard some monologues and it honestly scared me. I peeked a little from behind as I hide behind a wall and observed what he was doing.

I can't see anything but him sealing packs. My heartbeat went crazy because I have a bad intuition.

Please...no. Not Jimin. Not him.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaise

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