13 : Eunwoo & Taehyung

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"She lost her balance again," Dr. Jung said as he shakes his head. "The disease is progressing quicker than I expected." He stated and finished reading Dahyun's clipboard. She had some blood loss due to her accident, but since we rushed her to the hospital right away, she was saved. She has a bandage around her head now. Dr. Jung then excused himself since he has more patients to check.

Sighingly, I glanced at my wife who is sleeping safe and sound.

I regretted that I did not even lay my eyes on her earlier when she was asking me to eat breakfast with her. It made me guilty. I thought of myself more than I should think of her. She needs extra care now, but I'm letting all that pass because of my own pain. I should've taken care of her even more. There are so many should have's in my head and in my heart because of what happened earlier.

Eunwoo stormed out of the door and stood beside me. "What did the doctor say?" He looks very worried of his best friend and it made me feel something painful within my chest. "Jimin, what did Dr. Jung say?" He repeated with his furrowed eyebrows.

I shook my head sideways, "She just lost balance." I sighed and looked at him. "I have a favor to ask, Eunwoo."

"What is that?"

"Please organize a family dinner for us later. I need to announce something very important and urgent to the whole family." I am sure that he wanted to ask more questions, but he was hesitant. "I will go back to the house and get her some clothes. Please stay by my wife's side for a while." He nodded and I patted his shoulder before I go.



This is the second time that Jimin let Dahyun get into an accident. The first time was when she fell on the floor without any reasons why and he did not know about that because Dahyun doesn't want to let him know. Jimin wasn't in the scene, but he might've atleast should have known what happened to his wife. He could've made a surprise visit to her, but he did nothing. I don't even know if he knew about that.

And now, this is the second time that Dahyun got into an accident. He could've saved her from falling, but he did not. They were in the same room, for pete's sake.

I sighed and sat beside Dahyun. She sleeps so beautifully. Even though she has Jimin already, I can't stop on having a crush on her. I mean, she's really something. She's that one fish in the ocean that I would want to catch. I will not stop reeling until I get her. She has that kind of thought in me.

I took my phone and decided to call Hansol to inform him about the family meeting, so he can help me organize it also. "Hansol-ah," I called once he answered.

"Hey, bro. What's up?"

"Is your grand hall vacant?" I asked, pertaining to one of their hotel's halls.

"It's vacant...I think? Why? Do you have any events coming up?"

"Are you busy with shoots?"

"Not much. I'm finishing my last scene this morning."

"Okay, good. Please give me a reservation at your hall tonight for a family dinner with the Kim's."

"What's with the sudden family dinner? Am I invited?" He chuckled from the other line.

"Yes, you are, so move your ass, Choi." I can imagine him rolling his eyes and pouting because he doesn't want being bossed around. Specially by me since we're just friends. "Message me later if the hall is ready by 6 o'clock."

"Yeah, right. See you, Cha." I just hummed and kept my phone right after. I again looked at Dahyun and felt sad for what's happening to her and her family. Their family has a lot of dillemas lately and as a friend, I'm concerned of it.

Well, she's laying on a hospital bed right now with her head wrapped with a bandage. Her father is still not waking up because of his comatose state and Taehyung hyung still has to take care his marriage with Tzuyu. He's really a jerk for impregnating Sana when he knows that he still has to marry Tzuyu for business. Marrying for business may seem wrong, but as a Kim, they can't do anything. All of them has been promised to someone. It's always been like that.

I leaned forward to Dahyun and fixed the little strands her hair behind her ear. I smiled, "Maybe if you stayed with me, nothing like this would've happened." I whispered, but I know that it won't happen. I don't want to ruin a marriage. She loves Jimin too much that she rejected me for someone like him. I mean, Jimin is a good guy, but I know for myself that he does not deserve an angel like her.

I was in that position when the door slammed open, revealing Taehyung hyung with Sana behind him. I don't know why is he here, so a lot of questions ran through my head. "What happened, Eunwoo?" He asked with the most concerned voice.

"She lost balance." I answered, but I know that he wanted more. "I don't know the details. Jimin talked with the doctor."

"Where is he?" He again asked.

"He went back home to--"

"What the fuck?" He hissed. "Why did he leave his poor wife along with you? What kind of douche can he be?!" He was raising his voice that it sent goosebumps all over my body. My heart raced nervously. "Damn, this is why I don't want Dahyun to marry him! He's an irresponsible jerk!"

"Well, he was going back home to--"

"Dahyun should've married you instead." I felt like I was turned into stone when he said those words. "I would've been happier." Me, too, but I can't be selfish.

"But Dahyun won't be." I answered and he looked at me as if he's tearing me pieces by pieces. "She won't be happier with me. She's the happiest whenever she's with Jimin, so please don't blame anyone. Let her be." I wanted to backfire him everything, actually. Just like Dahyun, he wants to be happy, too, so he's choosing Sana over Tzuyu which should be his real wife. A lot of people would be happier if he would just choose Tzuyu, but he did not and that made things complicated.

"Who is this doctor?" He asked, a little bit calmer than earlier because Sana had a talk to him already.

"Dr. Jung is his name, but he's busy with his other patients." I answered. "Are you going to stay here?"

"No, I'm going to send Jin here."

It shocked me a little, but I recovered easily. I remembered that he's not really caring as a brother. "Why? Isn't she your sister? You were mad when Jimin went back home because he's her husband, but he's not here."

I can see him turn his hands into powerful fists which made me realize that he doesn't have that patience that everyone needs. "I'm sorry, but Sana still has a check up with her ob-gyn." He turned his back on me and accompanied her as they walk outside. "I will send Jin here, so just be patient." Be patient? He doesn't even have that! How hypocrite. He then closed the door and I was left to look after Dahyun.


yo i'm looking for mutuals who ship taehyung and wheein hejshwjags let's be friends!!

Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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