14 : Jimin

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"Why did he leave his poor wife along with you? What kind of douche can he be?!" I stopped from walking when I heard Taehyung hyung yell. I know that his voice comes from Dahyun's room. "Damn, this is why I don't want Dahyun to marry him! He's an irresponsible jerk!"

"Well, he was going back home to--"

"Dahyun should've married you instead." His words pierced through my heart as a man. "I would've been happier." I felt like I became weaker just by hearing his words. My pride as a man and as Dahyun's husband was torn apart. I decided to hide, so that when Taehyung hyung exits the room, he won't see me. I don't want to be another disappointment to him. I've been enough disappointment to my family and now, the Kim's will see me like that as well. I don't know my place anymore. I don't know where I belong.

I don't even know if I matter. At all.

A few moments after, I saw Taehyung hyung with Sana walking through the hallway. Once they took the lift, I went to Dahyun's room which startled Eunwoo. "I forgot something." I told him because he must've noticed that I came back so soon.

"What's that?" He asked, leaning on the chair.

"Car keys." I took the car keys that is laying on the bedside table. He smiled at me, so I had to give it back to him even if it's a bitter one. "Please take care of her." He nodded and watched me turned around from him.


As I was driving, I can't help but to think what Taehyung hyung said about me earlier. Maybe I really am a bummer since birth. I've let down the people whom I take care of and it honestly hurts me. I want to repeat Dahyun's promise for me; that she will always be beside me no matter how much people will turn their backs on me. Even if the world shuts me out, she promised to be with me.

I did not realize that my eyes became blurry because if the tears, so I quickly wiped them. I arrived our house right away, so I started packing food for Dahyun. I hope she won't stay inside that hospital room for long.

As I was placing snacks inside the bag, I remembered all of the things that she did for me while I was in jail. She did not see me for what I am during that moment. She saw me as a trustworthy man. She saw me as someone good. She never saw me as a letdown in my family, even if I became part of hers.

I'm questioning myself if I'm even worthy of having her in my life. Was I deserving of an angel? What did she do to receive someone like me as a husband? I'm not much of a family man, but I'm trying hard to impress her and her family. I'm not perfect because I've done a lot of bad things in the past, but I'm doing my best to erase those. I want them to see me as her husband, a trustworthy man. I don't want them to remember all of my faults whenever they lay their eyes on me, even though it's still happening up to this day.

"Jimin-ah, what are you thinking? Stop those negative thoughts already!" I wanted to fool myself by saying those words; by telling myself that everything would be okay as long as Dahyun will be on my side. But what if she...leaves you and breaks her promise? "No, no, no. She won't do that. She's Dahyun. Her name is Kim Dahyun. She's the best person you could ask for. She doesn't break promises. She breaks bones, okay?" And now I am talking to myself.

After doing all of that, I called Mina through phone because I left the twins with her when we were on our way to the hospital. I told her that I'm going to pick up the twins with me now, but she said that they're on their way to the hospital already because Tae hyung gave them a call.


It's 2 o'clock when Dahyun finally opened her eyes and I couldn't be happier. "Honey," she mumbled, so I held her hand right away and asked if she needs anything. She smiled at me, "You're here, right?" She asked, pointing her chest--to her heart. "You're still here, right?" I nodded and kissed the back of her palm. "Have you guys had lunch?" She asked when she faced the other people inside her room.

"Yeah, we ate already." Eunwoo was the one who answered. "You should eat, too."

"I'm not hungry." She said, but we all heard her growling stomach, so we laughed. "Aigoo, my tummy is exposing me."

"C'mon, eat now. We made kimbap." Mina took out several lunchboxes that is filled with kimbap. Jin hyung then handed her some chopsticks and Dahyun started eating. Her expressions while eating the delicious food is still funny. Her eyes grow wide and she makes an eyesmile. A feature from her which made me fall deeply.

"How's dad?" She asked as she munches on the kimbap.

"Dad is okay." Jin hyung made a bittersweet smile which alarmed me. It means that father-in-law is not really fine. "I heard we're gathering later, right, Jimin?" He asked, trying to switch topics.

I nodded, flustered. "Yes, hyung. We're having a family dinner with you, the Kim's." I stated.

"And a Cha and a Choi."

"Right." Jin hyung laughed. "Oh, by the way. We left Jihyun, Minhyun and Jimin with a baby sitter in our house."

"Thank you, oppa." Dahyun gave her brother a sincere smile. I stood up and kissed her forehead. "Where are you going?" She asked with her mouth full.

"Jin hyung and I are going out for some air." She nodded and waved her good bye to me while I gave Jin hyung a meaningful look. We went out of the room and I decided to talk to him. "Hyung-ah, can you tell me how is father-in-law?" I asked him, a little nervous of what he might answer me.

"C'mon." He then led me to the Intensive Care Unit where father-in-law is staying. We had to wear protective wardrobes when we entered. "Dad is in a state of coma, right?" I nodded. "The doctor says that his heart is beating slower and slower because of his old age. The only thing that makes his heart pump now is this machine. He prefers to let dad go."

"What do you mean by let him go? Like, you would let your father die?" He nodded and said nothing right after. I can't believe what I'm hearing now. Once Dahyun knows about this, she would suffer. She became very close to her dad when she moved in with him years ago and now that she will lose him, she would be devastated. "That is shit. Does any of your siblings know about this?"

"Namjoon knows about this, but I haven't told Taehyung and Dahyun yet. Tae is still fixing his messed up life while Dahyun is still laying on that bed." He sighed and stared at father-in-law. My heart is sinking, too. Father-in-law accepted me with his whole heart when Dahyun decided to marry me. It's such a big loss now that he may die any time soon.


it's almost a year since i published this, but it only has 14 chapters up until now lol uejahwjagw sorry

Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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