22 : Sana & Taehyung

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Sana snuggled Taehyung on their couch, placing her head ontop of his chest to hear his heart that only beats for him. She sighs and smiles a little because she knows that those beats are for her.

Taehyung then caressed her hair and played with her ear, making her giggle like a little kid because of being ticklish. "I had a fight with my brothers today." He said, eyes fixed on the movie that they are watching.

"You always fight with them, babe." Sana comments. "Over what this time?"

He sighed, "Over my proposal to you."

Sana was speechless for a moment. She knows that what they're doing right now is wrong because the people around them are getting hurt already. "Tzuyu called me today." She said with her faint voice and played with Taehyung's buttons. "I gave her an invitation."

His eyebrows cross, "So, you told her that we're getting wed?"

"Yeah," she answered and glanced at his face just to see his creased forehead. "Why?"

"My brothers and Dahyun must've heard the marriage from Tzuyu then." He told her and sat properly, so Sana did the same and stared at him, waiting for another sentence. "Why would you tell her? Did you fight over me again?"

"She wouldn't stop." Sana said, pretty irritated whenever she thinks of the scene she had with Tzuyu. "We're engaged now and our marriage is just weeks from now. She should stop pestering you."

Taehyung was the one who is speechless this time. He doesn't know what to respond. He's a little puzzled of Sana's sudden change of attitude. "Right." He nodded and closed his eyes, trying to relieve his stress by himself.

Sana stood up and went behind by the couch to massage his temples, "You must've been so stressed because of all the work you're doing." She then kissed his forehead after giving him the massage. "I wish our marriage will go well."

Taehyung sighed and faced her for a moment, staring at her hazelnut, round eyes, tall nose and plump lips. He rushed in for a kiss as his hands stroke her neck. Sana kissed him back, leaning closer and closer to him until she fell on his chest. They looked at each other, heavily breathing. "We've got a baby in me and you know that, Tae." She whispered.

"Sorry," he apologized and stole a quick kiss. "I don't know what to do." He frustratingly said. "There's business, you and the baby, my family and then Tzuyu." She just stared at him, waiting for his next words. "What should I do to her? She doesn't want to let go of the arrangement."

"I'm quite annoyed of her, by the way." She said. "I'm the one who loved you first, but she acts like she's some kind of wife already." She chuckled as she rolls her eyes and shakes her head a little. "Why don't you just let their family pull the stocks from your company?"

"They're the biggest investors. They control 50% of the stocks and if I won't marry her to keep it that way, they'll have to pull it off." Sana was thunderstruck upon hearing his reason. It just made her realize that her marriage with the man of her life is still uncertain. Thinking of that just made her heart crack a bit. "It's fucked up."

She can't look at his eyes straightly. She went silent, thinking hard whether giving up her marriage with him or not. "Marry her." She said, gulping. Taehyung's gaze went to her right away, asking himself why would she propose such thing to him. "I mean it." She said, holding his hand tightly.

Taehyung laughed, "What are you saying? Are you implying that you could be my mistress instead?"

"It's not bad." She shrugged her shoulders. "I mean, people will eye me for being the infamous mistress of the mighty Kim Taehyung, and so? I'm strong. I can handle it." She sat back on the couch and looked at him who seemed flustered by her uttered decision. He still cannot believe what she said. "I'll talk to her, too."

"Sana..." he trailed and held her soft hands. "...this is not the life I promised you. I told you before that we will live comfortably and have kids of our own. This is not what I--"

"Promises are meant to be broken, babe." She laughed shortly, holding back her tears. "It's...okay." She said and sighed as she looks at his face. Being with you is damn hard, Tae. Tzuyu and I feel the same.


Sana and Taehyung haven't told anyone yet about their decision. No one knows it besides themselves because it will surely shock everyone.

Sana is at home, making lunchboxes for Taehyung when she got a call from him. "Hey, babe." She answered, giggling.

"Babe," he answered back. "I'll meet Tzuyu today."

"That's so soon."

"I'll tell her about this." She just hummed, listening to whatever he says. "I want you to do me a favor."

"What's that, honey?" She asked and started cutting the kimbap she made.

"Organize my wedding?"

"What?" Sana is an occasion organizer and hearing Taehyung's request of her just wants to make her barf. "Are you kidding, babe?"

"Nope, not at all." He sighed. "I trust you with this and that's why you're the one whom I asked."

She just nodded, "Okay. We'll talk later. Bring Tzuyu over, if you want."

"All right. Thanks, babe. I love you."

"I love you, too. Take care." With that, his call ended and Sana continued with the lunchboxes she prepares for him.


Tzuyu was out with Jungkook inside a dog café, so she wasn't expecting any messages from Taehyung. She's still hurt of everything that he'd done to her and nothing would seem to fix her. The wounds became scars. Her heart will forever be scarred because of Taehyung.

"I have a Maltese back at my house," Jungkook said and laughed as he pets the Inu inside the café. "His name is Gureum."

"I have a baby boy back in Taiwan, too." Tzuyu smiled and picked up the chihuahua on the floor. "He goes by the name Gucci."

"You don't have a dog here in Korea?"

"I do have one," she laughed. "His name is Minjoong."

"Minjoong? What breed is he?" He asked, completely curious of the dog that Tzuyu mentioned.

She let out a soft laugh which made him stare at her for a moment and think that Tzuyu really is pretty. "He's a stuff toy." She continued on laughing which made him awe at her. He stared at her for so long until she finished laughing and felt awkward, so she drank the frappe on their table. "Sorry for laughing too much."

Jungkook was taken back to reality, "No, it's okay. I like you laughing, anyway."

"I don't normally laugh so loud." She said. They continued on talking to each other just like that, comfortably speaking to each other without thinking any other things.

Meanwhile, Taehyung was on his way to get Tzuyu since he has to talk about what he and Sana had decided. Tzuyu just said that she's hanging out with a friend on a dog café, so he searched all the dog cafés around Seoul until he reached that place.

He parked outside and hopped off. He was about to enter when he saw her laughing with a familiar guy in his eyes. He felt a sting and he doesn't know why.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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