17 : Dahyun & Taehyung

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My heart feels warm when I saw how they wanted to fight with me through this rough journey of mine. I know that Tae oppa knows about my disease already and so does Tzuyu unnie, so they didn't react exaggeratingly unlike the others. Jin oppa and Joon oppa are shedding tears when we all escaped from the hug.

"I-I'm so grateful for my family." I said, smiling at them as I hold back my tears. "I am an illegitimate daughter, but you never make me feel like I'm an exception from your family." I stated and specifically looked at Taehyung oppa. I wanted to give him the context of accepting Lippie into our family. I am an illegitimate child, yet they accepted me for who I am. What more for Lippie, right? She's the legit daughter between the two of us. He can't say no to his sister, can he?

"Yah, don't say things as if this is our last dinner together." Hansol sniffed and when I looked at him, his eyes are already puffy from crying. I wanted to laugh at his red face, seriously.

"I'm just saying that I'm really thankful to have you guys with me. You were all there in my times of trouble. I can't ask for more." With that, they all said words of encouragement and I sat down with Jimin. My heart feels light now that I have told them our secret. Jimin is still holding my hand underneath the table.

"I, too, have something to say." Jin oppa said, so all of our eyes shifted to him in a flash. I have a giddy feeling that Mina might be pregnant again. I'm so happy for them. I saw how he looked at Jimin meaningfully, so it gave me random thoughts inside my head. "This is about dad." My heart felt nervous. I looked at Jimin, but he did not even glance at me.

"Chim?" I asked him, but he just held my hand tighter. "Answer me."

"Jin hyung will be the one to say." He said and gave me a reassuring smile. I have a bad feeling about this and I don't like it.

We all waited for Jin oppa's statement, "As all of you know, dad is in a state of comatose as of the moment. He's old and needs rest most of the time." He paused which just made me anticipate more for the news he wants to say. "The only thing that makes his heart pump is the machine by his side. The doctor suggested that we should let dad go."

"Are you implying mercy killing, oppa?" I asked him.

His face expression changed, "N-Not exactly, Dahyunie." He sighed. "Don't you think that it is dad's time? We're just making him suffer if we keep on holding on to him."

"Jin is right." Joon oppa said, so we all looked at him. Their idea is making me go crazy. Mercy killing is a big sin. It's like giving up life. It seems like we would let our father be killed and I don't like that at all. No matter how much I try to look at it in a different angle, I still go back to the idea that we're killing dad. "I've thought about this a lot when the news came out--"

"Wait, are you telling me that you knew about this beforehand, Namjoon?" Taehyung oppa asked him which made Joon oppa gulp. He smirked, "It looks like me and Dahyun are the only people in this table that doesn't know about this crap." It hit me. They also kept a very important thing from their own siblings. It scarred my heart a bit because it seemed like they don't trust me and Tae oppa with that. We're siblings and we need to know everything that is happening to dad.

I faced Jimin, "Do you know about this stuff, too?" His eyes were downcast and even though he won't answer me, I know what would his reply be. He knows.

"Eunwoo, do you know about this, too?" I faced Eunwoo and he kept silent. "Kim Lip?" Lippie held her head low when I asked such question.

"How can you keep secrets from your own brother and sister?" Tae oppa asked Jin oppa and Joon oppa seriously. "You, Jimin. How can you keep something so important from your wife?" His eyebrows were crossed and his tone raised a little, but Jimin was too afraid to answer. He took his hand from mine and sighed deeply.

I am so stressed out. "Tzuyu, how can you keep a secret from me?! From your fiancé?!" He then faced Tzuyu unnie and shouted.

"Hyung, shouting is too much--"

"Shut up, Cha." Tae oppa said without facing Eunwoo. "How can you?!" He again asked Tzuyu unnie. To be honest, I was offended that they did not tell this to me, but not to the point that I'll be mad. I was a little disappointed of Jimin because I really am his wife and the thing that we're talking about it my dad's life. They should've told us.

"How can I?!" Tzuyu unnie bursted out, too. "You're so fucking busy with Sana that you can't even meet with me even if it's just for a fucking second, Taehyung!" I closed my eyes and prayed that this dinner would be over soon. I can't stand seeing my own family yelling at each other. If dad is awake, he won't like to see this. Oh, dad. How I wish you're here right now to see your first born like this.

After that, the atmosphere became awkward. Taehyung oppa stood up, "Am I even part of this family?" He asked.

"Y-Yes, oppa--"

"Then why didn't you tell me that we have a sister? Why didn't you tell me that dad is dying?" His tone is much calmer now, but there's still a hint of hatred in it. He's just as disappointed as I am when we were told about dad. "I'm going home." He took his jacket with him and stormed out of the exit. My eyes went to Tzuyu unnie who just covered her eyes because of Tae oppa. I can't see why she still wants him even though he's like that.


We all decided to go home. Lippie said that she's going to stay at a hotel, so we gave her the biggest suite in our hotel.

I was brushing my hair when Jimin stood behind me and looked at me through the dresser's mirror, "I'm sorry." He whispered and leaned down to hug me. "I'm sorry if I didn't tell you." He said.

Sighingly, I looked down, "I'm disappointed." I told him frankly. He still has a sorry face on. "So disappointed."

"I know and I want to make it up to you." I turned towards him and looked up to see his face. He caressed my face and touched the wound near my temple. "I'm sorry if I only thought of myself. I wasn't able to catch you earlier, so you got this wound on your head." He said in a low voice as he touches the wound. "I'm sorry if I didn't tell you about your dad. I didn't realize things earlier." I held his wrist to make him stop. I placed my brush aside and stood up.

"Let's just sleep." I tiringly told him and checked our twins before going to bed. I'm not yet ready to forgive him.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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