18 : Dahyun, Kim Lip & Taehyung

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It's been days since the forsaken family dinner and since that evening, Jimin has been saying sorry to me every day. Whenever we wake up, he apologizes. He keeps on explaining his side to that matter and it just honestly makes me go deaf. I've been hearing his pleas every day since that dinner to the point that I can't hear his I love you's anymore.

Some people say that to apologize once is enough. Apologizing twice or more means that they don't mean what they want to say at all.

I still go to work even if I can't move my muscles as much as before. I'm an energetic person, so to stay still and be less energetic is hard for me. Even smiling becomes hard for me and it just makes me tear. When I reach the climax of my disease, I won't be able to share these smiles to the people whom I love the most.

"Hon," and there he goes again. He calls me again and would give me plenty of kisses just because he wants to make it up to me. "What do you want to have? It's almost lunch hour." He asked as my personal bodyguard. I focused on my laptop, but he kept on calling me, so I had to face him. He was smiling. He's probably grinning, so he can cheer me up, but things don't go that way.

I'm not an angel and he needs to know that. I will not try to understand and defend his shit all the time because I have my own opinions. "I'll be having lunch with Lippie."

"I'll drive you to the place." He said with a cheerful voice, but I decided not to be fooled by his cheerfulness. "C'mon." He handed out his hand.

"I already called an Uber." I told him and his face dimmed a little. In all honesty, I don't want to see him for a while because a lot of things just happened. I'm not yet ready to accept his apologies.

I received a text from Lippie, so I stood up from my chair and packed my things. I know that he's looking at me with hesitance in his body. He doesn't know whether he should talk to me or not and it shows. I can read him even if I'm not quick-witted.

"I'll be back." I told him and went out of my office to see the Uber I called for. I even saw Jin oppa and Joon oppa through the hallway, but I decided not to greet them for a while. They're also the people who did not want me and Tae oppa to know about dad's condition. It pains me that they had doubts on me and my brother.

"Wait," Joon oppa held the elevator's doors and entered before it closed. I remained silent and felt the awkward vibe between the two of us. "Dahyunie," he called, but I did not hum nor ask. "We're sorry." He sighingly said. "We really want to tell it to you, but we're afraid that Taehyung would go nuts and you would breakdown. You have a disease now and I'm sure that whatever you're suffering will double after knowing dad's condition, so we had to announce it to you two a little later than the others." The elevator reached the ground floor, so I stepped out without saying anything. He kept on explaining his side about the matter until we reached the Uber.

I turned around to see my brother, "Oppa, please. Just stop." I said and entered the car. He looked a little stunned when I checked his face through the side mirror. I sighed.


"I've made up my mind." Lippie said as we look at dad through the glass windows. "Let's not make his suffering long. We're not sure whether he will wake up or not."

"We're not sure if he will wake up, but what if he does?" I looked at her and she went silent. "There's still a chance that he might wake up from his sleep."

"Unnie," she held my arm. "The doctors said that there's a 30% chance that dad would wake up and you know what that means." She said as she looks into my eyes. "Let's end this."

"Who are you to say that?" We found ourselves covered in goosebumps when we heard Tae oppa's voice from behind. We faced him and he looks greatly serious. "You are nothing." He said, snickering to Lippie.

My eyebrows met, "Oppa, she's our sister. Of course, she's worried of dad's condition, too."

He chuckled in sarcasm, "Then why did you just show up now? We never knew we had a sister not until dad had to become comatosed."

Lippie's head was downcast. Tae oppa's words are always harsh, I admit that, but that's no way to treat a member of the family. "He flew to me when Dahyun was moved into your house." I looked at her right away because I did not know such information. Dad did introduce her to me and my two brothers, but the only information we got is how did she became our sister. "He talked to me about what should I do and all since I'll be the one who will take care of our business back in the States. As much as I wanted to go here, I can't because he's counting on me." I noticed that her voice is getting cracked because of the emotions she feel inside. "I wanted to see my siblings, but I was told to focus on my work first. I love dad so much that I'm doing everything he asks me to do." She then looked at us with teary eyes and it just made me gulp.

I realized that we're still different people. We're just siblings, but we're still individuals. We have our own problems that we carry inside our hearts and what she needs now are not harsh words, but embraces and words of comfort. "I'm sorry if I didn't try my best to reach to you while dad is still alive." She finally said and left me with Tae oppa. I looked at my brother and he seemed speechless.

Everything he does is just pure bullshit now. I get that since their mom died, he became like this, but he needs to move on. It's been years and he needs to give himself some rest from all of the hatred.

"I'm willing to give up dad." I told him which changed his facial expression. His eyebrows furrowed and he seemed like he can't take what I just told him. With that, I patted his shoulder and started walking away from him.


Me and my siblings gathered in a restaurant here in our hotel to talk about dad's condition. The only one who can't agree to this is Tae oppa. I get that dad is really special to him since they're both really close that dad gave his position to him, but he needs to let him go.

It's time. It's dad's time and it may be hard to accept as a daughter, but I can't do anything anymore. We can't just stare at his ill body inside the ICU and pray for a miracle. He'll just suffer greater if we kept if like that.

"Taehyung," Namjoon oppa called him, his hands on his iced Americano. "Just let dad go."

"We lost mom...and now we're losing him, too." Tae oppa's voice was deep and serious, but there's a hint of loneliness in it. "I-I can't."

"Oppa." Lippie chimed. "It's hard for the rest of us, too, but remember that we'll still be here in times of trouble. I know dad will be looking down from up above to guide us. After all, he's our dad and we're his children. Legitimate or not." She smiled at me, so I made a grin, too.

It took us a little while before we heard his answer, but he finally said yes, so we went to the hospital right away.


Follow my ig acct: @bangteuwaiseu

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