And I thought Demigods had scars!

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I guess I didn't mean to shadow travel onto their dining room table while they were having dinner. I'm sure they had a heart attack. I'm not sure I made it better by shadow travelling down. In fact, I may have made it worse.

I arrived not too famished, which was surprising because England was quite a while away. Thankfully, I wasn't stepping on any food. In fact, I think I got the only bare piece of the table in the whole room. there was so much food here- and It smelled great. I don't eat that much, even though it had been months since- since- tar- tart- that place. I never was a big eater before that either, so I ate almost nothing. Will diagnosed Annabeth, Percy and I with PTSD, and he helped me a lot to get back on my feet. I suddenly worried about my nightmares here, without Will... But too late to think about that.

There were quite a few at the table. A boy with black messy hair, like a scrawny version of Percy with glasses. Next to him, a tall redhead. On mini Percy's other side, a  fairly pretty girl with bushy long hair. Next, a red-haired girl, two identical red-haired boys, a short, scarred, red-haired boy, a red-haired boy with a dragons tooth necklace (there seems to be a theme), an older, slightly balding red-haired man, (probably a father), a short, plump, red-haired lady (mother, perhaps?), a young girl with bright pink hair, a man with untamed long hair, and some others that I were behind me. Their faces were a mingle of shock and terror. 

I instantly shadow travelled off the table (what was I supposed to do? Jump?) and appeared near a door. I suddenly caught sight of an old-ish man. But this man- he had scars on scars on scars. I thought demigods had scars. My scars probably had nightmares about his scars. He had one blue, fairly unnerving eye, and one mechanical one, strapped to his head. it kept rolling around to the back of his head and doing things eyes shouldn't do. I hate men with mechanical eyes. I've had a few bad experiences that I won't go into.

This scarred man stood up and waved a twig at me. Oh nooo, so scary! My deathly fear is being hit repeatedly with a stick to death! (note the sarcasm) But my necklace told me it was a wand, a device to help channel wizards and witches' magical powers. So technically, he could kill me with it. But my sword apparently soaks up spells and enchantments. Well, this was information from my father, so it may not be reliable, so I'm not taking any chances.

"Who are you?" He said in an obviously British, yet gruff tone.

I bowed because that's what I felt like doing and said, "I am Nico Di Angelo."

He stared at me, and then his eyes went to my waist, and to my sword holder. "You're armed."

My mind worked furiously. I had wrapped the mist around my sword so heavily, that whoever looked at it would just look away. But I had a feeling his mechanical eye was seeing more than the mortal eye was. 

"Moody, What do you mean?" said the redhead with the dragon tooth necklace.

"At his side, He has a sword. It's fairly obvious." The same gruff tone replied.

the others looked from him to me in confusion. I smirked.

"Well, thank you for your warm welcome, but I would like to see Albus Dumbledore now please," I replied.

I heard one of the twins mutter, "American."

"How do we know that your not some Death Eater trying to kill him?" Moody, if that was indeed his name, grunted.

I met his gaze and snorted in laughter. "First of all, why in Hades' name would I want to eat Thanatos? He'd taste disgusting." I ignored their confused looks. "Second of all, you wizards are very pedantic. Why would I want to kill him? He's good, isn't he?"

I could tell my response confused them greatly. How hilarious.

The bushy haired girl looked like she was repressing to put her hand up. "Who's Thanatos?" I guessed I'd have to get used to their very British accents.

It was a man in the corner who answered. "Thanatos is the Greek god of death." I looked around at the man who spoke. 


I almost tackled him to the ground and strangled him. his kind had almost killed coach, Reyna and I, and they had damaged our quest to shadow travel the 'Athena Parthenos' greatly.

But I decided that strangling someone wasn't a very good peace offering, so instead, I asked him a question.

"Do you know of Lycaon, werewolf?" I said, unblinking and looking straight at the man.

There was a ruffle of surprise amongst the group.

The werewolf's eyes widened, and then he gave himself a little shake. 

"No- I've never heard of Lycaon."

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now