Why do all of these things happen at mealtime?

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We got back to 12 grimmauld place, and I go up to our room and pack everything into a trunk that just appeared at the end of my bed. There was no note, but the lid had the same picture on it as my vault- a skeleton with angel wings. The trunk was gray, with intricate designs and beautiful  stones. There was no note, but I guessed it was a present from my father.

I was amazed by the amount of books I needed- there was at least 2 dozen! There was also vials and jars of potion ingredients, robes, a cauldron, and so many rolls of parchment!

I packed my things neatly into my trunk, and put my empty backpack in as well. I then take out a photo of myself and Will. We were at the beach, and Will had just gotten me to get a haircut. We were just sitting there, relaxing, with not a care in the world. I still had my scars, but you can't really see them in that photo. 

Once I had finished packing, Mrs Weasley called me down for lunch. I really did not want to go, but I went. 

The others weren't staring at me so intently now. They were mostly focused on their food, or their individual conversations. 

I was reaching for an apple, when Hermione glared at me. I relised quickly that I was reaching with my left arm, and my S.P.Q.R tattoo was in full show. 

"What's that on your arm? Is it the dark mark?" She looked at me, and I guess I looked a little underwhelmed. Well, underwhelmed compared to the others. They were staring at Hermione and myself in horror. 

"What's the dark mark?" I say, confused. They gasped.

Sirius glared at me. "It's a mark that Voldemort gives his followers."

I frown. "What? No!"

Moody gave me a look of complete loathing. "Show me it."

I reluctantly roll up my sleeve and show him my S.P.Q.R tattoo. I had gotten it after the war, as Reyna gave it to me for an 'honorary thing'. 

He frowned. "That's not a dark mark." He looked closer. "That's Roman- isn't it?"

I nodded. 

"Bloody hell, why do you have a roman tattoo?" Ron looked amazed. "And aren't you a little young?"

"I'm not to young." I choose not to answer his first question.

I excuse myself from the table, go upstairs, and listen to music on my bed. 

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now