Going back Home

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I look down. "What happened?"

Harry stared at the ceiling, and whispered, "Last year, there was a competition called the Tri-Wizards Tournament. Three schools came together, and they each produced a champion. A death eater pretending to be teacher somehow entered me in as well. There were three tests. The last one was a maze, where we had to be the first one to hold a trophy. But the trophy was a port key, an object that transports people to a different place at a touch. It was enchanted by the evil death eater to bring me to a graveyard where Voldemort,"

Hermione and Ron shuddered.

"Was waiting. But Cedric Diggory, an amazingly smart and brave guy, came with me. We grabbed the trophy at exactly the same time and were both transported to the graveyard," 

Harry looked like he was struggling to speak. 

"One of Voldemort's servants killed Cedric. Right in front of me. Then, he used my blood to return Voldemort back to his full strength.  I barely escaped with my life."

I look at him seriously. "It wasn't your fault, you know that. It was Moldy Shorts-"


"Whatever. Anyway, it was his fault. And you can get back at him by killing him. You can get him back for all those deaths, and you can avenge Cedric and your parents."

Harry nodded and looked at me gratefully. Ron looked amazed at my words, and Hermione looked relieved at the fact I calmed him down.

"Anyway- See you..." I start to head back to my private room, but Harry calls out.

"Nico... Thanks. For everything."

I nod and start walking to my dorm.

I have a great idea. I psyche myself up to shadow travel and imagine Camp Half-Blood. 

I arrive in America, and it seems to be about lunch time. I see Will, Percy, and the rest of the demigods at the dining pavilion eating. 

Will turns around and sees me. He smiles hugely and runs towards me. I run towards him. 

I jump into his arms, and he catches me. We start kissing passionately. The older campers snicker a bit, but there is an obviously new camper who looks stunned. I laugh, and the worry lines that have been building up from the last couple of days were evaporated.

"I missed you." I manage to whisper.

"I've missed you too, Sunshine." He replies.


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