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The castle came rolling into view. It was incredible- medieval, old fashioned, yet new and majestic. It had 4 turrets- one on each corner. It was made of a gray, stone brick, and yet, the castle seemed to be bursting with colour and light. te grounds were well kept, and a lake shimmered in the sunset. 

I had gotten my robes on, which were way to much like a toga, and followed the golden trio outside. Ron and Hermione had arrived in the compartment about an hour later, and it was a bit of a squish, but we managed.

I saw an impossibly large man with a lamp, calling,

"firs' years? firs' years, over 'ere!" 

"Why in Hades is he so tall?" I whispered to Harry.

"Half giant." He whispered back. 

I was taken a back. Half- G- Giant? But then I remembered the werewolf, Lupin. Maybe, monsters weren't the same here as they were in America. Pretty fare-fetched, I know, but that was the most reasonable anwer. 'Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever's left, however improbable, must be the answer.'

I saw, a little panic stricken, boats at the lake. Was I supposed to- was I supposed to go in there? 

Then, I realized that there weren't enough boats for everyone- on the contrary, there was only enough for one age range! So that must mean... The first years! Of course! The boats must be a sort of orientation thing. Thank you, oh so (un)kind fates.

We older students were herded towards large, old fashioned carriages, pulled by...

"Thestrals?" I whisper.

Harry gave me a sideways glance. "You can see them to?"

I frowned. "Why wouldn't I be able to?"

"They can only be seen by people who have  seen death."

I went over to one, who bowed slightly, and let me pat it. Harry looked at me strangely. 

"Did it- did it bow to you?" He asked, confused.

"No." I replied.

We were directed to a carriage each- but I couldn't be bothered to wait for another long(ish) ride. I finally found an empty carriage, and slipped in. I shadow travelled to the castle, and sat down on a bench, waiting for the others.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now