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The hat was asking for it. At first, I had kept up my mental barriers, but that stupid hat was very nosy. It annoyed me into showing him my past. So it was entirely its own fault. 

I walked towards Gryffindor table, and sat in the same place as before. Everyone was looking at me, horrified (and a bit curious), except Hermione. She was looking at me calculatingly. If anyone figured out my secret, she would. I would have to be careful not to reveal anything to her. 

The Hall erupted in chatter, but then Albus stood up and called for silence. 

He introduced the horrible pink lady as 'Professor Dolores Umbridge'. I gave a (obviously, inside) chuckle at that. I knew Percy would snort and say, 'more like Ginormous Dumbridge'. Even though I didn't like Percy anymore (he is still grumbling that he was 'everyone's type'), His annoying voice fills my head a lot. I guess it's just habit.

Then Dumbledore tried to speak, but Dumbridge gave a little cough. It was obvious she wanted to speak. Albus let her, and her talk was too boring for me to get through with my ADHD. My mind just wandered off, thinking about Will, when there were some small claps and I guessed the speech was over. 

I saw Ron, Hermione and Harry having a little conversation, and I caught Hermione's gance. She looked grim.

We were hustled up some stairs, and I followed the pack (who were trying to edge as far away from me as possible), and got to a large painting. I did not yell (unlike some of the first years), when the painting moved and talked. It was a middle adged plump lady, in a roman- style white dress, and holding a basket of fruit. 

The basket of fruit brought back some terrible memories. Well, this was ripe fruit. but still.

I shook myself out of it, and followed the others through the hole that the painting lady opened up. I followed Harry (Ron and Hermione were looking after the First years, as they were prefects) up the stairs and to a door with a piece of paper strapped to it. I couldn't read it. Stupid dyslexia. 

But Harry walked in, and sat on a bed that was apparently his. I looked around, and found my trunk up against my bed. OH MY GODS THEY WERE 4 POSTER BEDS I'VE ALWAYS WANTED A- whoops. I got a little carried away. I started unpacking, putting up some of my photos on the wall, and put my pyjamas under the cover of my bed. I watched as one by one, many more boys filed into the room. They looked (very) disturbed at the fact I would be sleeping with them. Charming.

Everyone started to lie on their bed, getting ready to go to sleep. I heard some boys arguing downstairs, and one voice sounded like Harry. I heard footsteps, and saw a Harry, looking quite annoyed, walk into the room, along with Ron. Another huff, and they both had a quiet conversation, before settling into bed.

Ron and Harry were giving me strange looks, as if wondering if I was going to start screaming again.

But I didn't plan on sleeping tonight- I would much rather spend the night exploring. So when Harry and Ron finally stopped taking fleeting glimpses at me, I quietly shadow travelled out of the room and into the staircase room. 

My dad had recently blessed me with a little power- night vision. It was very helpful if one wanted to sneak around at night. I softly padded down to the bottom of the staircase, but stopped, remembering something I overheard from one of the prefects. 

"Hey, june, the prefects bathroom is so sweet, you can make rainbows and shaped bubbles and everything- remember, it's on the 5th floor, behind the 4th door, to the left of that statue of Boris the Bewildered. Password's 'ναι', whatever that means."

I smiled at the memory. Obviously, Albus was letting me know that it was okay to go in there. why else would he have the password 'yes'?

I quickly padded up to the 5th floor, and got myself to a large statue. I told it, 'ναι'(it felt so weird talking to a statue), and opened up a door.

In one side of the room there are the stalls with toilets inside. Opposite the toilets there is a large, swimming pool-like tub with bath taps surrounding it. The pool-like bath is sunk into the ground and is not above ground. The bath taps all run different-coloured bath water, soap bubbles, foam, towels, and bathrobes. These bath taps are a hundred golden taps surrounding the whole pool-like tub, with a different jewel set in each tap. There are most likely bath supplies on one side of the pool, such as soap, bath oil, bath powder, bath salts, shampoo, hair spray, and conditioner. Looking at the tub, one would imagine it would take quite some time to fill. Luckily,  I didn't need to fill it. I just needed a fine mist, as I had forgotten my rainbow-making- pyramid. (Credits to JK ROWLING, as this is her writing from the ORDER OF THE PHOENIX, and I just modified it a bit.)

I threw a drachma (I always keep some in my pocket) into the rainbow, and called out to Iris. Apparently, Percy had met Iris, and now says his Iris messages to Fleecy, who was a cloud nymph assistant for Iris. I just found that weird and stuck to the old way.


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