We all have that Obnoxious Cousin

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I sat up groggily, wondering where I was. Then it all came rushing back to me.

"Will?" I mumble, trying to see through the darkness.

"I'm right here." I notice a yellow blob of light that could only be my beautiful boyfriend. My eyes clear up, and I see that he looks tired but handsome as ever. 

Before I could speak, He stuffs Necter down my throat. "Drink, you idiot."

I swallowed, tasting the sweet birthday cake we had shared a year ago in liquid form. "H-How long have I been out?"

"Well, the battle was yesterday, and it's 5 in the morning now." 

I smile. "I think that's a record."

Will smiled. "I think it is."

I swing my legs around and put my feet to the ground experimentally. "What do you think you are doing? Do you really think I'm going to let you out?"

Will was crossing his arms and glaring at me. I frowned at him, but he didn't budge.

"Fine. But I'm going down for breakfast at 7:30." I reply.

"We'll see." But I knew I had won.

I go to sleep, and Will sleeps next to me in bed. We wake up at 7:27, and get ready to go down to the Great Hall.

We join up with the Demigods on the way down and find out they had been sleeping in a spare room near the Gryffindor common room. 

Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper, Hazel, Frank and Reyna gave me a big hug and the campers gave me a respectful nod. We sort of ignore the other students, who were looking at the group of loud, excited, but sleepy kids of all ages. They were mostly looking at the armour and weapons a majority of the campers still had on. 

"It's so earrrrrrly!" Percy moaned. 

"Shut up Seaweed Brain," Annabeth replied.

"It is though. Isn't it like, 2 in the morning in America?"

Hazel yawned. "I think so."

I smiled. "You get used to it."

Percy frowned. "Well, of course your used to it, you don't sleep!"

I give him a look that shuts him up quick. 

I see that Professor Dumbledore had pulled out an extra table, and squeezed it into the Great Hall. We all sit down in it, Reyna on my left and Will on my right. 

 I wave to Harry and notice that Dumbledore is quieting the Great Hall down for him to speak. That was strange, usually, he didn't do speeches in the morning. 

"As you all know, Yesterday there was a great battle. Some of you fought in it, and I'm sure you few know that you couldn't have won it without the students from America-" 

The Hall erupted in chatter, all eyes focused on the Demigod table.

"Hush. And of course, our transfer students who called the other students and of course played a huge part in the battle, my students and fellow teacher, Nico di Angelo-"

"So you're a teacher now Death Breath?" Percy said a little too loud, and the hall was completely silent. 

I looked up to Albus apologetically. "I'm sorry, professor, my obnoxious cousin doesn't know when to shut his mouth sometimes."

"Hey!" Percy replied, annoyed. I ignored him.

"It is quite fine. As I was saying, I want to thank the students who fought in this, and that they did extremely well."

I nodded in agreement, and the Demigods cheered. I don't think the students were used to such loud people.

"Umm, Professor, what were those... things... that they fought?"

"They were monsters."

The hall was engulfed in chatter once more. While everyone was talking, I leaned over to Will and whispered in his ear. 

"What happened to that noseless freak I was talking to before that Titan came and attacked?"

"Oh, that guy. Oh... He sort of got away."

I sighed. "I knew he would."

Will frowned. "How?"

"At the start of the year, The sorting hat, this old talking hat, issued a prophecy;

 The king of ghosts shall rise back to power, to help the boy, victim to darkness and greed. He shall save the ones who will not cower. Sunshine will meet the darkness, expelling the shadows. The man he catches shall get away, but the angel and the healer shall ease their pain, and the old saviours shall shine a ray.

The king of ghosts, means me, obviously. And I regained my strength from the giant war while here. Save the ones who will not cower? Probably the students who fought. Sunshine and darkness, you and me, means probably you healing me. Now, the man he catches will get away-"

"Yeah. That noseless evil guy."

"Yes, exactly. The angel and healer, you and I, will help them get over their pain of losing that evil guy. The old saviours? definitely you guys with your dad's chariot."

"Why didn't you tell me about the prophecy?" Will looked a little hurt.

I kissed him quickly. "I didn't want you to worry."

I saw that a lot of the Ravenclaws were peering over at us, and when I frowned at them at them they looked away. Stupid students.

"Hush!" Dumbledore bellowed, and the Hall was once again silent. "Are you going to be staying for a while, or getting back?" Dumbledore aimed his question at the Demigod table. 

Reyna stood up. "I need to take most of them back, at least from my ah... school... But I give Frank and Hazel permission to stay if they wish. I will drop off the students from the other ca-school as well."

The students were looking at my friend in surprise, probably wondering why an 18-year-old girl was leading the 'students' as if she was their headmaster. 

Hazel put an arm around Frank and smiled up at the headmaster. "I'd love to stay for a while and catch up with my brother, and I'm sure Frank would love to stay as well."

The hall became loud again, confused at Hazel calling me 'brother'. I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"We'll stay." Annabeth sits up from leaning onto Percy

"So will we." Jason gives me a smile and wraps his arm around Piper's waist.

"I will as well." Will smiled and put his arms aroynd me, and I leaned into him.

Dumbledore put his arms out in a friendly fashion. "Well that settled. Farewell and thankyou to those who are leaving, and welcome to those that are staying!"

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