The DA

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I continued to teach the 7th years, and they continued to gain more respect for me. The other years were confused and curious about what we did in my classes, as I had held all that took my class to complete secrecy. The only thing other kids knew (and most teachers) was that I taught self-defence. I allowed the kids to keep their weapons after class, but they had to keep them hidden under their robes. 

The teachers (minus the ones that were very loyal to Dumbledore and were told from him) and students were constantly coming up to me and asking what I do in the classes. But no one speaks a word. Soon, most people gave up on trying to ask me. All except one.

"Now, Mr Di Angelo. I ask you once again. What exactly do you do in your, ah, classes?"

"I am not permitted to tell you, professor."


"As I have told you the first couple thousand times, as I am a teacher, you are unable to put me in detention."

"How dare you, you little-"

"Ah, professor, I would urge you to stop what you are saying before you say something you might regret."

I was worried, of course, for the battle ahead, but I didn't expect that many monsters to come. I mean, it was only a year since the Giant war, and we killed possibly thousands of monsters in the lead up to the big battle and the main battle itself.

Harry decided on a time for the meetings. It was hard, as many students had various clubs and gatherings after school. Another complication was where to hold the meetings. I suggested my classroom, but that would be the first place Dumbritch would look if she caught wind of the meetings.

We decided on the Room of Requirement.

I put all of my spare weapons back in the shadow vault for the meeting. After classes, we all went in the room, which apparently changed itself for people's needs. Today, It had appeared with a huge room, divided into two- one, a homey place for practising magic, and the other, an arena bigger than my classrooms one. 

We all stood on the homey side and listened to Harry. He was teaching us a disarming spell, which I found ridiculous because it was first-year stuff, but it turned out a lot of kids didn't know how to perform it.

After Harry was done with his part, we moved to the arena. I reached into the shadows and pulled out the rest of the weapons. Some student whistled, and others muttered in amazement.

"Now, everyone. A whole lot of people have been bugging me about what I do in my classes. Well, I'm going to be teaching you exactly what I teach them. Self-defence."

Some kids widened their eyes in disbelief. 



"You're not kidding, are you?"

"No, I am speaking the truth," I reply. "Now, everyone, line up."

They all line up in front of the weapons, excited. 

I see that Fred had somehow wormed his way to the front. I looked him up and down and had an idea. I looked through the weapons and found a handgun that can mould into a short sword. 

"This gun, if you flip this switch at the back," I flipped the switch, and it changed to a short sword, "It changes to a sword." I hand him a gun pouch and ammunition belt.


I give an identical one to George, except the sword is more Greek than his twin's.

I move through the line and come to Harry. I pick out a Greek-style Xiphos, a double-edged straight sword. He picks it up and examins it. 

"It feels good, thanks, Nico."

"Many powerful heroes own this type of sword. I trust you will keep up that legacy?"

He nodded.

"Now, everyone. Pick up your weapons and go into groups; swords, bows, guns, maces, daggers, etc."

I spent time with each group, explaining how to use each weapon. I showed them a demonstration, hacking away at dummies. I could tell they were highly impressed. 

"Now, I need you guys to practice, as we only have a week and a half until the monsters come. I have no idea how many are coming. But we need to be ready."

They nodded with determination. I knew I could count on these students. Most likely.


Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now