Mad-Eye Moody is a little more Mad

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"Hey Harry, Could you please pass the p-"

A boy that couldn't be older than Ron or I, seemed to emerge from the shadows. Literally. But he 'emerged from the shadows' onto the dining table. A look of slight but disguised panic filled his face and he dissapeared again. 

My face was a combination of curiosity, confusion, and terror. What the hell?

I looked behind me, because everyone else was looking there.

Mad-Eye Moody started conversation.

"Who are you?" He said

He bowed. (I have no idea why) and said in a slightly american tone "I am Nico Di Angelo." 

I wondered if he was american?

Moody stared at his, and then his eyes went to the boy's waist. "Your armed."

I looked hard. I couldn't see any weapons on him, not even a wand!

"Moody, What do you mean?" said Bill, the eldest Weasley child

"At his side, He has a sword. It's fairly obvious." Moody replied, staring furiously. I thought he was off his rocker. The guy had nothing on his- wait, was that a flicker? Never mind, must have been my imagination.

the others looked from him to Di Angelo in confusion. Di Angelo smirked.

"Well, thank you for your warm welcome, but I would like to see Albus Dumbledore now please." He said, like he owned the place. I was starting to get annoyed at him.

I heard one of the twins mutter, "American." So I was right.

"How do we know that your not some Death Eater trying to kill him?" Moody grunted, looking very suspicious

He met his gaze and snorted with- with laughter! "First of all, why in Hades' name would I want to eat Thanatos? He'd taste disgusting." I stared at him. Who the hell was Hades and Thanatos? "Second of all, you wizards are very pedantic. Why would I want to kill him? He's good, isn't he?"

Who was this guy? And even though he was correct, no one would call Moody that. Maybe 'overly cautious', but never pedantic.

Then Hermione looked like she was repressing to put her hand up. "Who's Thanatos?" Ron elbowed me and we snickered at Hermione's reaction. She gave us a deadly look.

Lupin was the one who answered. "Thanatos is the Greek god of death." Di Angelo looked around and his gaze fixed on Lupin.

His shoulders tensed, his gaze turned to anger and a little bit of fear, and he stared Lupin down like he was a disgusting bug he wanted to squish. He looked like he was about to attack, but something stopped him.

"Do you know Lycaon, werewolf?" He said.

How dare he? And how did he know?

The Lupin's eyes widened, and then he gave himself a little shake.

"No- I've never heard of Lycaon."

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now