Telling Chiron

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I smile and give Will another kiss. He went down to my neck, and I smiled, but then groaned when I remembered that I would have to go to school with a hickey. I decided to return it.

I hear a familiar voice.


I turn around and see a mess of blonde hair, glasses and that little scar above his lip.


Will laughed and let me run over to hug him. 

"It's been a while," I say when we break apart.

"Sure has. Almost two months," He replies, smiling. But then he gets a serious face on. "Dude, where have you been? Everyones saying you were on a quest, and you're going to be on it for a year!"

I give him a guilty look. "Yes, I will be gone for about a year. But I can't tell you where I am. It's very classified."

Jason smirked. "Sure. Have fun, Nico."

I smile and go back to Will, letting him peck me on the nose. 

"It hasn't been very long." Will smiled.

I frown at him. "It was painful. But at least they trust me now."

"What fueled the change of heart?" 

"I saved Harry from a Telekhine. It was going to kill him." 

Will looked shocked. "But he's mortal?"

"Yes. I need to have a meeting with Chiron. Are you coming?" Will nodded, and we set off towards the big house. 


"Yes? Oh, Nico. What are you back here so soon? I thought you were in-" Chiron stopped, noticing that he was sharing classified information. 

"Nevermind, now, what did you want to tell me?" 

"Well..." I explain everything- the attack, what I heard, what Harry told me, the mark (which I remembered to be the dark mark, the sign of Voldemort), and what Albus told me. Will looked very engaged with the story, and asked many questions, but Chiron just listened.

"Oh," Chiron said finally, after thinking for a while. "Well, that is interesting."

I heard Will laughing. I turned to him, with like the F***  and he stopped laughing for a second to speak. "You thought you were getting away from the monsters!"

I smiled at that. "Your right."

I realise I did think that. I was looking forward to no monsters. 

"Your right," I repeated quietly.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now