Brason and Solangelo are the Best Ships EVER

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We went back to our rooms, as the students were given the day off school. Will was staying in my room, and everyone else was staying in a room opposite to our door.

We decide to go outside to the lake and catch up. Percy jumped straight into the water, clothes and all, and received many strange looks from students enjoying their time outside. I lay on Will's lap, and he slowly stroked my hair as I explained my time at the castle. 

The girls were very excited to learn about all the classes I took, but Jason and Percy wanted to know what I was teaching.

"Oh, swordplay? Cool. Did you know there are Mermaids down there? AND a giant squid?!" Percy exclaimed excitedly.

"Yes, Percy," I say, exasperated.

Will just wanted to know if I had a good time. I had. I really had. but it would have been so much more fun with him.

I learned about the quick medical course Will was taking in New Rome was like Percy and Annabeth's education, Jason's pontifex duties, Piper's travels with him, and Hazel and Frank's duties in New Rome.

There were many laughs, and I could see Harry, Ron and Hermione in a corner of the castle, talking about something. I ran over and brought them with me to introduce to my family.

"Everyone, this is Harry, Ron and Hermione." I pointed out each one to the Demigods, and they gave a chorused, 'hello'.

"This is Hazel, my half-sister," I pointed to Hazel and she stood up and Hugged the three in turn.

"I've heard so much about you guys. Thanks for looking after my big brother!"

"And this is Frank, Hazel's boyfriend."

They looked up at him and looked at his beefy arms.

Frank grinned goofily, "Hello!"

"And Jason, my cousin," Jason stood up, and I could see the three were slightly intimidated but calmed down when he shook their hands.


"This is Piper, his girlfriend."

She gave a big smile. "Hi, We really appreciate you looking after little Neeks."

"This is Annabeth," I say, and Annabeth smiles at them, but looks at them calculatingly, judging their character.

"And this," I gesture to Percy, "Is my cousin Percy."

Percy gets up from lying on the grass and gives his famous lopsided grin. I could see the way he looked at Harry, recognising the similarities between them just as I had done so long ago. "Congratulations for putting up with Death Breath for so long. He's a real brat of a kid-"

Annabeth slaps his leg lazily (which doesn't mean it didn't hurt like Hades), and smiled up at him. "Shut up, Seaweed brain."

Harry looked at the unlikely group. "So you're all in relationships?"

Piper snickered. "well, I thought I was until I found out about Brickius-"

Jason groaned. "Oh, will you shut up about that! I do not love a brick."

Percy started laughing. "I don't think Brickius would be very happy to hear that Jason!"

"Ok then..?" Hermione looked at Jason, Piper and Percy very strangely. 

Annabeth sighed. "You learn to ignore them when they're like this."

We realised the sun was going down, and everyone started heading back up to the castle. Will started getting up, but I stopped him. 

"I want to show you something," I whisper.

We walked to the other side of the castle and lay on some rocks overlooking the Lake and overlooking the sunset.

"Its... Beautiful..." He mutters. I smile and nod.

He turns to me, smiling contently. "I've only known you properly for a couple of months, and I haven't gotten to see you much ove the last half of the year. But I feel like we are meant for each other. i feel like we are actually soulmates."

My grin widened. "I've struggled all of my life being gay, and have always felt ashamed of my feelings. But with you, I feel like I can truly be myself, and express myself in ways that I could never before. i feel complete when you are by my side."

Will kneels, and faces me. "Nico Di Angelo, will you marry me?"

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