Piper, your Aphrodite is Showing.

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I stared at him with more love then I have ever had for anyone... even Bianca.


He slips the ring over my finger, a black one with gold wiring twisted around it, and smiled. A quiet rumbling came from the earth, and a ring formed; completely the same, except gold with black wiring. 

I give a mental thanks to my father for this gift and slip it onto my fiance's finger.

We lay on the rock for a while longer, watching the sun go down and the stars appear. 

"I love you so much, Will."

"I love you so much, Nico."

We head back up to the castle and go to our rooms. We sleep very well.

In the morning, we headed out and got to breakfast, arm in arm. We have the usual loud chat with our family before I reach out for a water jug and Piper snatched my hand.

"What is this?" She exclaims, looking at the ring. She then looks at Will, who didn't ut his hands under the table fast enough, and squeals,


What happened next was exactly what I feared. I was engulfed in a huge hug, all of the boys went up to Will and started threatening him, and lots and lots of squealing, 'Solangelo is real people!'.

Harry gets off his table and congratulates me, as do the other two, Fred and George, and a bunch of students from the DA and my lessons. 

Some of the teachers who I had grown friendly with, such as Professor Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall, came and congratulated me as well.

Will and I somehow escape to a place they would never think to look; the library.

We sit down, slightly panting, at a table. "They wonder why we didn't tell them." Will muttered.

I nodded in agreement and was about to say something when a figure stepped out behind a bookshelf. I bowed deeply.

"Lady Hecate?"

Will followed my lead, and looked curiously at the Titan of Magic.

"Ah, Nico," She brings out a couple of necklaces from somewhere. "Can you give these to your friends? They will need a little help if they are doing lessons."

I nodded, and she disappeared. I handed one to Will, who put it on. 

"What does it do?" He asked, frowning slightly. 

"Gives you knowledge of spells, and blesses you with the power I presume.'

We walked out of the Library, and back to the Great Hall, which was nearly empty except for the Demigods and a couple of Ravenclaws who had their noses stuck in books and had forgotten to eat.

"Hey lovebirds. Why did you come back?" Percy yelled and received many shushes from the Ravenclaws.

"We got something from... ah...," I think quick, wondering what I could say that doesn't make the Ravenclaws suspicious. "The owner of the Farting Weasel." 

They all nodded in acceptance, knowing exactly who I was talking about. "So what is it?"

I give the necklaces out, and explain what they will do. "Cool!" Frank mutters.

"We've got Divination first. Oh crap, she's an old fool."

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now