A Helping Hand in Homework

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Harry turned to me, looking sheepish. "Nico, I'm-I'm really sorry for being so cold to you, and talking about you behind your back."

I nod. "Thanks for apologizing."

Harry frowned. "But why did you stop me from having my mind whiped? We were really horrible to you."

I give a small smile. "When I was younger, I had almost all of my memories wiped. It was terrible, not remembering anything about my family, and I still haven't gotten all of them back. I hate memory modifying because I know how terrible it is."

Harry gave me a look of respect. "Thanks."

We head up to our common room, as Dumbledore had basically excused us from lessons. We did our potions homework and helped each other respectively. 

Finally, the rest of the Gryffindors came spilling back into the common room; some going upstairs to the rooms, some heading back after they put away their things, some starting to do their homework like us. Hermione, Ron, and the rest of the Gryffindors looked very surprised at the fact that Harry and I were sitting together, and dumbfounded that we were talking. One tends to like someone when they saved one's life.

"Hey Harry, Nico..." Hermione said,  raising an eyebrow but sitting down next to us. She pulled out her homework and started scribbling furiously with her quill (Why can't people just use pens?).

Ron sat down next to Hermione without a word, and started to write, but not as quickly as Hermione, maybe due to the fact that he kept looking over at her work. 

Harry whispered something to Hermione, most likely telling her that he needed to tell her and Ron something, and kept going with his work, leaning over to me to ask for an answer or two. 

The three best friends finished their homework and headed upstairs to talk. I was finished, so I headed back to my room, but Harry called out to stop me. He pulled me outside with Ron and Hermione following. 

"Mate- we are sorry about not trusting you, and talking behind your back, it was bloody stupid of us," Ron said, his ears turning slightly pink and looking down.

"Yes, we are really sorry Nico," Hermione added, blushing a bit.

"It's fine." 

"Thanks again for saving my life." Harry smiled at me.

"It's really no trouble, I've fought them for years, so I'm used to it."

Harry looked a bit taken aback. "There's more of them?"

I give a short laugh. "You have no idea."

We head for the great hall for dinner. Thank goodness I'm friends with the trio. If I wasn't, it would make this quest so much harder. 

Harry looked really uncomfortable at the table. The news of his little outburst in Dumbridge's class had obviously spread quickly, and now everyone knew about it. 

He was talking to Hermione and Ron, but I was zoning out. I could see a black kitten on a ledge above the staff table. It seemed to want to jump down to steal some food but contemplating how to do it. It was very amusing. I notice that Harry is yelling at Hermione, his face seething with anger. 

"-And killed Cedric and fought you." She said, trying to be reasonable but she looked scared.

"Which is the truth!" Harry yelled back.

Hermione starts to say something, but I interrupt. "Sorry to interrupt your loving exchange, but what in Hades do you mean that you fought someone?" 

Hermione frowned. "Have you even read the news? Do you know what happened last year at this school?"

"No idea."

"There was a death. Cedric, a boy at this school, was-"

"Murdered. He was murdered. By the same person who killed my parents." Harry looked gloomy.

"Lord Voldemort."

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