A bad time for IM'ing

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I raced upstairs to the prefect's bathroom, cursing myself. I had completely forgotten about Reyna! She was going to kill me...

I hastily brought out a Drachma and threw it into a rainbow I had made, muttering the pledge. 

"Uh- Hi?"

Reyna glared at me. I noticed that the legion had gathered behind her. 

"Bad time?"

"Couldn't be worse." She replied, and I waved away the IM.

Woops. I decided to go to the library and study up on potion making. It was the only subject Hecate decided not to bless me with, for whatever reason. That obviously doesn't mean I was bad it (in fact I was fantastic), just that I needed to study it. Hecate had originally blessed me with 4 years of learning, but I could feel her giving me 7 every night. I think she realised how hard it was to keep Harry Potter safe, and it was a full-time job, leaving no time for study.

I read a random book (Moste Potente Potions), and flicked through it, finding myself on a random page. It had what I thought at first to be a bookmark, but after close inspection seemed to be a list...

I couldn't read it, obviously, but I could tell it was in Hermione's neat lettering. She had very trademark pen style, and even though I have only been at the castle for a few days, I could tell her writing apart from other styles. 

I frowned. That was weird- why would Hermione be making a potion OUT of class?

That stupid librarian was quiet as a fox. She had stalked up to me, and I was too engrossed in trying to read the (argh! cursive!) title on the page (Plyouijec otPoni), that I didn't notice her until she was leaning over me. 

"Now what would a 5th year like yourself be interested in the Polyjuice Potion?" She said in a quiet voice. (so that's what it said)

I spun around, almost hitting my head on her chin. "I was just doing some studying of the potion books and happened to flick to this page. But... What does it do?"

"It turns the drinker into the human that they wish to be. but, you must add a bit of the human into the potion for it to work." She smiled and padded off, hardly making a sound on the (creaky!) floorboards. 

Why would Hermione want to change into someone else?

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