I save Harry from amnesia

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It was Harry's scream. I was sure of it.

I started running, and as I was getting closer, I heard a bark-like voice. Styx.

It was a Telekhine.

It's face was like a dogs, with black snouts, brown eyes, and pointy ears. It's body was sleek and black like seals. Its stubby legs were are half flipper and half foot, and human-like hands with sharp claws were reaching out menacingly at Harry.

"-Going to be rewarded! I am the one to get the child to my new master! I will be so heavily rewarded-" It barked-talked, and cut off when it noticed me. 

I take out my sword, and say in a menacing voice. "Who do you work for now?"

Harry turns, and I see his face is contorted in fear. But he has a sort of determination, a will to live. He is probably unsure whether i am going t save him, or help the monster to finish him off.

"Half-Bloods aren't supposed to be in this place!" It yelped. I run towards it, just as it is trying to slither away, and slice the head off it, turning it to dust. It leaves... an arm? Eww!

I pick it up, and inspect it. Thankfully it wasn't covered in monster goo. That would be gross. But it had a sort of mark on it, a skull with a snake protruding from its mouth. Harry stares at me with disbelief. 

"You'd better come with me." I say, grabbing his arm (and the other arm) and shadow travelling to the entrance of Dumbledore's office. 

"Chocolate frogs." I say, ignoring Harry's retching. 

"What was THAT?" Harry exclaimed. What an annoying little brat. Mind you, Most people don't get over shadow travelling for the first time very quickly, so I couldn't really blame him. 

I ignored him, and grabbed his arm, going up to the study. I could hear footsteps- the man was probably pacing. I knocked on the door twice, and older wizard opened up. His face went to a frown. 

"Mr Di Angelo, why exactly have you brought up Mr Potter to my office?" 

I glared at Dumbledore. "He just got attacked by a Telekhine. And I'm pretty sure YOU said that they couldn't get into the castle." 

Dumbledore's face grew confused. "You better both come in." he beckoned to the office. He sat down at his table, and asked us to sit. Harry did, but I stayed standing.

Dumbledore folded his hands on the table. "Now, Nico, can you please explain what happened?" 

Harry looked a bit betrayed. How hilarious. 

"Well, your new teacher, Professor Umbridge, said something obviously offensive towards one of your ex- teachers, and then there was quite a shouting match between Harry and the professor about whether or not Moldyvorts was back-"

"Voldemort." Albus corrected kindly.

"Whatever. Anyway, Harry got a detention, and was sent out of the classroom to Professor Mcgonagall. I decided to follow him. I heard screaming, and ran towards the voice. A Telekhine was standing over him, saying something about his new master rewarding him for bringing Harry to them or whatever. I killed it, and here we are now."

Harry looked confused and still a bit scared. But Dumbledore was much more scared. He had a face of indifference,but his eyes revealed the love he had for harry, and the fear that he would be killed. 

"I understand. Now, Harry," He turned to the boy. "Did the monster say anything else to you?" 

Harry nodded slowly. "It said... that unlike his other two masters, his new one would not fail."

Dumbledore turned to me. "Nico? Do you understand this?"

I looked down. "Those monsters have been in the last two wars, so I'm guessing they meant 'The Crooked One' and 'Dirt Face'. But I have no idea who the new master is. Maybe the three emperors that we are fighting now? I have no idea. But, we got this from the monster." I placed the arm on the desk.

Dumbledore nodded, and Harry looked bewildered. "Sorry, what?" 

"Oh, well this is bad. I will do some research, leave this with me. Now, Nico, do you think we need to wipe Mr Potter's memories?" 

I frowned. I hated memory loss. I had suffered with it, Percy had suffered with it, alot of us had. It was terrible and unless I really needed to, I never removed memories. 

"WHAT? PROFESSOR?" Harry screamed. 

"No, I don't think he needs to. As long as he doesn't tell anyone other than Ron and maybe Hermione. That girl is way too smart for her own good. She would be able to sniff out a memory charm very easily. Besides, I am not a big fan of amnesia." Harry gave me a surprised but grateful look.

"Very well. I will deliver the message of your detention to Professor Mcgonagall, Harry. You two should go to your common room." As we started to leave, Dumbledore added, "Harry, you must not tell anyone except Hermione and Ron about what happened. This is of the utmost importance. I will let your godfather know. We cannot let this spread. It would be disastrous." 

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now