Passing time (filler, I'm sorry)

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I had confronted Hermione about the Polyjuice potion, and she confessed that she was pretty depressed at one state. I told her that she was beautiful and there was no way she needed to be anyone else to have fun. I also told her someone had his eye on her, but I didn't say who (If she didn't know it was Ron then she is in no way as smart as she is in class)

As time was passing, and I had spent more and more time at Hogwarts, I started to enjoy learning at this wacky school. I already knew how to do practically all the spells, and that helped a bunch with homework. But it wasn't learning how to curse the stOLLS BACK FOR EVERY SINGLE PRANK THEY PULLED ON ME, it was the friends I had found in Harry, Ron and Hermione. 

They had told me a lot about my life, and in return, I told them about mine- how I grew up in Italy, and when my mother died (I didn't tell them how) I moved to America and went to a school there. About when my unknown cousins turned up and told me about a summer camp I could go to. I told them that My sister had decided to go to an all-girls camp, which meant I didn't see her much. I told them that she died (I also didn't say how) and I became sad, until a couple of years later, my boyfriend helped me get over my depression. 

They wanted to hear everything about Will, and I told them almost everything, except the fact that he was a demigod. I told them that he was a nurse-in-training, which was true, as he was taking a nursing quick-course in (only a couple of months instead of several years) while I was here.  I told them about him helping not only me but all the people at my camp. 

They started to trust me more and more- telling me things that I was sure they didn't tell even the Order. We had hilarious conversations all the time, so funny that they made even me smile.

Harry was seriously down, and I made sure to make him feel better. He was pissed that almost no one believed him that he fought Voldewarts, and blamed him for Cedric's death. I could tell that the two champions hadn't been extremely close, but Harry felt entirely guilty for his murder.

When Harry was in one of his moods, neither Ron nor Hemione would approach him; I was the one who sat by him, muttering encouraging things in his ear while he tried not to yell. 

Dumbritches punishment for me was almost hilarious- She got me to write lines with my own blood. But, unfortunately for her, I couldn't hear a thing with my extremely high pain tolerance and the wonders of Ambrosia. But Harry, on the other hand (that is a terrible pun I'm sorry), was finding it excruciatingly difficult to go through the many tortures. I IM'd Coach Hedge and got an owl to come by camp and deliver to me a healing paste. I gave it to Harry to use, and it worked like magic (I'm siriusly gonna stop with these puns now). 

People were still scared of me, but none as bad as Draco Malfoy. The trio enjoyed being with me because I was basically a Malfoy repellent. Every time he saw me he just got a terrified look and ran away in the other direction. He was often late for class because of this. The one time that he actually did manage to speak to me, he just said, 'ah-um-Nico-father-crap-im-gonna-die'. I had a feeling my father had something to do with this.

I wasn't that sad about Draco. Apparently, he was a 'git' (Ron's words, not mine), and he only cared about blood status.

The school was fun. And then school got better. 

Hermione had had an idea. 

To create an army.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now