A bright orange mistake

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Will and I headed back to the Hades cabin. Hazel was back at camp Jupiter, so there was no one to disturb us... (wink wink)

We sit on a bed and talk for a while- the little things that we couldn't tell each other on IM because there were more important matters. 

We just looked into each other's eyes for a while,  enjoying the company. I slowly take off my shirt and pull off my sunshine's one as well. We kiss each other hard and keep our bodies entwined.  I stare into my boyfriend's eyes with fierce love, and he can see I would kill an army of monster, heck, even Gaia herself to keep him safe. He returns the look.

I smile and realise that it was almost dinner time in America. Time really flies. We pull our shirts back on and head out to the dining pavilion. I sit down next to Will at the Apollo table. We get up and sacrifice our food, and eat. 

I actually eat, since I have been pretty slack with that while in England. The other Apollo campers notice our multiple hickeys and laugh. They don't make a big fuss, as they are used to this behaviour. 

Will stops eating suddenly. "Nico, are you staying tonight, or do you have to go back?"

I think for a second. "I think I'll stay the night, and go back in the morning." 

Will smiles his dazzling white smile. We continue eating, and even though I have significantly more left on my plate when everyone had finished, it was still quite a bit for me. 

At the campfire, I lay my head in Will's lap, and he gently strokes my hair, letting Austin lead the songs. The campfire was huge and golden.

We went to sleep in the Hades cabin, squished into the bunk we usually share. I gratefully sleep, making up for the lack of it last night. 

I wake up to Will yelling in my ear. I groggily sit up and smile at him. He returns the smile. We kiss each other passionately. 

We head to breakfast, which we were fairly late for, and then head back to my cabin. I stop right at the door.

"F***. School. Time difference!" 

"Crap," Will replies, a look of panic overcomes his face. He shoves some extra Ambrosia that was lying in his pockets into my arms. I give him a goodbye kiss, and shadow travels back. 

I arrive in the middle of the common room. "Crap."

There was Harry, Ron, Hermione, and basically most of the 5th years in the common room, doing homework. Apparently, there was a free period.

I look down and realise I had a camp t-shirt on still.

A new one.

And the writing wasn't faded. 

In fact, it was clear as day.

Stupid, Nico. Stupid.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now