I find something out about my mum.

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Guys, do you know that feeling, when you can't name a goddess? I was just trying to remember Hecate's name, but my mind, very unhelpfully, went through other names.

Hestia, Hemera (how do I remember her, the goddess of either eternal beauty or childbirth), Hestia, Hemera... And then you have to look it up and your cringing so bad.


"So where's your list, dear?" Mrs Weasley turned to me and tried for a smile, but I could tell she was deeply shaken from what happened in vault 13. 

I reach for the envelope that Hecate'gave to me, and file through it. Finally, I found the paperwork concerning the things I would need for school. I hand it to her.

"Dear, I can get the rest of these things, but you should go to Ollivanders for a wand. Didn't you say you broke it in an incident?" 

I smile and thank Mrs Weasley, and handed her my bag, apart from a handful of Galleons, and head off to the building she was pointing to. 

Thankfully, the sign was in bold letters that were well spaced out, so my dyslexia didn't affect to much. 

Ovllainedrs, maerk of fnie wnasd sniec 382 B.C

Eh. Good enough.

I walk in the dust caked door, which gave a little jingle, although I saw no bell. A man with pure white hair and big eyes greeted me. 

"Ah. Mr Di Angelo. My grandfather chose your mother's wand. rosewood, core of an angel's feather, 12 inches, very swishy, If I remember correctly." he frowned, looking at me intently.

My eyes widened just a bit. "My mother was a witch?"

He smiled. "Yes, she was. Now I'm guessing the reason you appear so young is the work of a god."

I give a teeny smile back. "Yeah, you could say that." Ah, so now I know why Percy wasn't chosen for the quest... It was because my mother was a witch...

He started measuring me up everywhere, shoulders to fingers, waist to head...

Then he went back to some of his bookshelves, and brought out a long, cardboard box.

"Ah- maybe this would do the trick..." He muttered to himself. He took the stick (WAND! I mean wand! Please don't kill me Hecate...) out and examined it, before he handed it to me. 

He looked at me expectantly. "Well, give it a little flick!" He says, exasperated.

I give it a little flick. Papers started ripping themselves up. He snatched up the wand in my hand, and went to get another one.

He then muttered to himself again, and picked out a new box. he opened it, and handed the wand to me. This time, I was a little more apprehensive. Nevertheless, I still waved the wand. A glass bottle shattered. We kept this up for quite a while, him choosing a new wand, and me ruining something. I could tell he was getting a bit frustrated on the 24th wand. He then went to the back of his shop, to a place I couldn't see. But I could hear him murmuring.

"Maybe... Maybe... How strange..." 

He came back, with a curious look on his face. 

"Here you go, Mr Di Angelo." He handed an ash coloured wand to me. I took it, and waved it around. The shadows seemed to be drawn to me. I smiled.

"Ah. I think that's the one. Poplar wood, most unusual. Hair from a thestral, dipped in the river styx, so believed. 10 inches, strong." He smiled and handed me the wand. "That'll be 14 galleons." 

"Thank you, Mr Ollivander." I said, as I handed over the money, and walked out the door.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now