I let out a Secret (crap)

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I let out a sigh of relief and immediately regret it. I did not want these idiots to know that I hated werewolves. But it was to late.

I turn to Moody. "Now can I go see Dumbledore?" Gods. I almost said  Double Door. How embarrassing.

The plump lady smiled a brave sort of smile and spoke. "He's coming in a few minutes. Do you- uh- want something to eat?" 

I stare at her and shake my head. I was really yearning to get out of the awkward room.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I say to no one in particular.

I leave the room. 

I find an unoccupied and bright- well brighter part of the house, where I bring out my rainbow making pyramid and some golden Drachmas. I make a rainbow, and mutter the incantation.

Oh Iris, Goddess of the rainbow,

accept my offering,

and show me Will Solace at Camp Half Blood

An image appeared infront of me.

"Neeks!" Will said, smiling as he brushed his hair. "How are you? How was your trip? Are you feeling okay?"

"Woah, Will, slow down!" I said pleadingly. "I'm fine. I don't feel at all tired."

Will smiled his dazzling smile. "Glad to hear it. We've just done some early morning 'Capture the Flag', and you can figure how that went."

I gave a weak kind of smile. "How many injuries?"

"12, including 3 broken bones."

"Percy or Clarisse?"

"Both." Will sighed. "They need to stop doing that. 3 people can't look after 12 demigods at once! Especially when they keep saying 'go look after that person over there, they're more hurt than me!' I mean seriously, how can I get anything done?"

I was used to Will's rants. "We can't help it. We're demigods."

Will snorted. 

Suddenly, I heard approaching footsteps. 

I had only just swiped away the Iris message before the door opened.

It was the redhead with the dragon tooth earring. He watched me put the pyramid and the drachmas back in my bag, and then decided to speak.

"Uh- Dumbledore is here, and you said you wanted him so-" Huh, he found me creepy. He should have seen me a couple of months ago. He inwardly smiled at that. It would have been hilarious. 

"Thankyou..." I held my arm out, trying to get him to say his name.

"Bill. Bill Weasley."

ah, so the redheads were the weasles-weasleys.

"Thankyou, Bill."

I zipped up my bag and followed Bill Weasley back to the dining room.

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