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Thankfully, I didn't have a nightmare. I had sacrificed basically all of my meal to Hypnos, praying that I would have peaceful dreams. I, for the first time in ages, had a dreamless night. 

I was woken, (rudely) by Mrs Weasley, at 10. In America, it was 5 am. Yay. 

We were loaded in a rental car, and drove off to Kings Cross Station. Apparently, we had to catch the Hogwarts express, on platform 9 3/4. What a bunch of baloney. I found this extremely hard to believe, as the twins, who were about at trustful as the Stolls, told me this.

We arrived at the station at 10:50, and went to platform 9 and 10. Then, with a smile, Ron walked through the barrier between the two numbers, and disappeared. What the hell? The others followed suit, walking into the brick wall. Soon, it was only Mrs Weasley and Sirius (In dog form- yes, he was a shapeshifter, like Frank, but he could only turn into a shaggy black dog). I ran, with slight hesitation, into the wall...

And on the other side was an amaZHANG train ((ha, ha)). It was a big, old fashioned black and red steam engine, with big, bold, writing at the front, saying something like,


Which probably said,


Stupid dyslexia.

Anyway, I left my trunk with the train people, and got on. 

Since we came fairly early, I find an empty carriage. I sit in the corner, and read one of the books we need. The necklace told me a spell I could use to turn the writing to Ancient Greek or Latin, and I used it gladly. I already knew most of the information about the spells, except history of magic, and potions. For some annoying reason, Hecate decided to miss that out. Typical gods (or Titans-whatever).

The door slides open, and a girl with long, strikingly blonde hair and pale eybrows walked in.

"Do you mind if I sit here?" She said in a slightly dreamy voice.

"Sure, go ahead." I go back to my book, and she comes and sits down at the other window seat, facing me. She then takes out a magazine, which I don't even attempt to read, and buries her nose in it.

We just sit there in peace, reading, for about 10 more minutes. Then, Harry, Ginny, and a boy with a toad slide the door open.

"Luna, Nico, do you mind if we sit in here?" Ginny smiles.

I nod, and go back to my reading.

The others do some idle chit chat, which I ignore. I was already halfway through Hogwarts- a History, and I wanted to finish it before we arrived.

Then toad boy turned to me. "So, Nico, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you before." 

Harry opens his mouth to talk, and I let him. "Nico is a transfer student from Ilvermorny. He was staying with us for a while, to get used to England." 

I nod.

"Oh cool- I'm Neville Longbottom, by the way." He holds out a hand.

I shake it. "I'm Nico Di Angelo. Nice to meet you, Neville."

I get back to my book. In my minds eye, I see neville taking out some sort of plant. I see him prodding it, and my demigod instincts take over. I jump up on my seat, and jump, avoiding most of the disgusting spray of slime that drenched everyone else. I then calmly sit down again, and ignore the others bewildered glances, and get back to reading.

I hear, for the third time, the sliding of the carriage door. i look up, and see a pretty chinese girl standing there. She looks, slightly horrified, and all the goop. I hear her and Harry make some awkward conversation, and she leaves with her friends. I couldn't help but feel her eyes bearing into me.

This was going to be a long train ride.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now