I Threaten a Painting

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I am told that tomorrow morning I am getting my school stuff.  I ask Dumbledore if he is staying the night, but he says he has 'business elsewhere'. I have just slothed around, trying to stay away from the family. Lunch came and went, but I didn't even turn up. usually, the only meal I eat is dinner. Will says it's unhealthy. Whatever.

I'm sitting on a couch, listening to my mp3 player (leo made some out-of-date tech untraceable for monsters.), and am rudely interrupted by screeches. 

"FILTHY HALF BREEDS, WEREWOLVES, IN THIS HOUSE! BLOOD TRAITORS, PATHETIC SCUM!" screamed a fairly old woman somewhere. I frowned. There were only a couple of women in this house- Mrs Weasley, Weasley Girl who had been introduced as Ginny, and Pink haired young lady who was named Tonks. I couldn't imagine any of them doing this.

I went and explored, trying to find the owner of the voice. The women kept yelling crap about Half-Breeds, which I found very rude. 

I finally reached a corridor, where I heard the women screaming.

I opened the door. I almost died of a heart attack.


I stopped myself from screaming (just), and asked the necklace. Why is that painting moving and talking? That's what paintings and pictures do in the wizarding world, it replied, you'll have to get used to it. 

Huh. ok.

The portrait was old fashioned, the lady, ugly. I glared at her, one of my most deadly glares, and got my sword from its sheath on my belt. I had a feeling that portraits could see through the mist. I was right.

"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT- KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME! KEEP IT AWAY FROM ME!" I was pointing my blade at her tapestry. 

"Want to see what Stygian iron does to canvas?" I said quietly, and smiled a deadly smile as she shook her head vigoriously. "Shut up while I'm here. If I hear and  single scream from you..." I pointed the blade closer to the portrait. "You know what will happen."

I walk through another door as I hear footsteps coming towards me. 

"What was all that about? I heard you yelling 'keep it astray' or something, mother." a man said with obvious dislike. 

"For once," said the 'good' werewolf, "She's quiet."

Ah, so Sirius Black's mother is in the portrait... Interesting.

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