"Who's Will?" he asked.

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Breakfast was awkward. Everyone tried to pretend that they weren't staring at me. I ate half an egg and then excused myself. I had to talk to Will. Also, I didn't know if Hazel knew where I was. Di immortals, how could I forget Hazel? She'd freak!

I decided to IM Hazel first, so I could tell Will how it went.

I brought my rainbow making pyramid (apparently a glass prism, as Bill had commented) and a golden drachma out, said the incantation, and asked for Hazel Levesque.

"Hey Nico!' She smiled at me.

"Hi Hazel." I reply, giving her a little smile back.

She looked around and her face changed to confusion. "Nico, where are you?"

I brace myself. "England."

"WHAT?" Hazel yelled, her sisterly act on. 

"Hazel, the people I'm staying with don't know about IM, and I want to keep it that way. So just yell a little bit louder next time so they come in here."

Hazel covered her mouth. "Sorry..."

I give her a smile. "It's fine."

"So, why are you in England?"

I sigh. "To bodyguard this guy named Harry Potter and his friends."

"Who are they?"

"No idea. But I can't really tell you much."

"So is it a quest?" She frowned.

"Not technically. No prophecy, so dad said it was more like a 'task'." 

"Ok. I can't beleive that your able to reach us. We haven't been able to communicate with CBH for ages!"

"Yeah, I know."

Her face suddenly looked worried. "How did you sleep?"

"Terrible. My hosts had to throw a bucket of ice cold water over me to wake me up, and I'm guessing to stop me screaming."

Her face looked suddenly sad. "You were thinking about the place again. Weren't you?"

"Yeah. Love you Hazel, IM you soon."

"See you."

I waved my arm and ended the call.

I did the same for Will. 

"Sunshine! Good morning!"

I smiled. "Back to you."

"How did you sleep last night?"

"terrible." I repeated back to him, what happened.

"It's so annoying that you can't tell them not to do that." he frowned


"How bad was it?" Will got his docters face on.

"Terrible. but quick." My lip quaked.

His face looked so sad, I wished I could be there to kiss it better. "Oh Neeks..."

I heard footsteps again.

"Bye, Will."

"Bye-" I swipe it away just in time. 

Harry Potter was at the door, frowning.

"Who's Will?" he asked.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now