Because Something Always HAS to go Wrong

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I wanted to fight side by side to Will, but he had to tend to the wounded.

"They can't have godly food," I say before he leaves. he smiles, and then enters the sick circle. I could see the rest of the students looking at me in complete surprise, amazed probably at my little outburst with Will.

I see that there are Romans as well as a couple of Greeks. I run over to Annabeth and Percy and start hacking monsters next to them. 

"How did you have time to pick up the Romans?" I say, not looking at them.

"Well, for some reason, we IM'd them and it worked, so we just told them to get ready, and they loaded up," Percy replied, ducking as Annabeth took a strike at a Harpy above them.

"How did you get Apollo's chariot?"

"Well," Annabeth replied this time, "Will was near the lake when you IM'd him, and it apparently just appeared half submerged in the water."

Percy laughed. "Just like how it arrived!"

I give him a look that said shut up. "So do you think it was some god?"

"Probably," Annabeth replied.

I ran to Harry and saved him just in time. he had been focused on killing some sort of unidentifiable monster (there was a whole lot of blood, ok?) and wasn't aware of a Harpy swooping down to snatch him. I jumped up in the air and slashed its wings off. It screeched in pain and disappeared into dust.

"Thanks...." Harry muttered. "So...ah... your gay?"

I nod but don't look into his eyes, mostly because I am focusing on slashing a monster in two.

"Oh... cool..."

I smile, knowing that we could win this. The reinforcements were- My thoughts are interrupted by a storm in the distance. Thousands more monsters came charging over the hill and in the middle of them...


"Oh come on!" Percy yelled. "This was supposed to be a break from schoolwork!" 

Annabeth gave him a look that made him regret what he said instantly.

Just as we thought we had won, just as we had been forced into relief and early-celebration, this happens.

I hate being a Demigod.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now