Ticking off the Toad

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The next couple of days were fairly uneventful. The teachers had seemed to be told by Albus not to question my absence from school, except one. My next Defence against the Dark Arts was today.

I padded into the classroom, trying not to let the troll of a woman notice me. Unfortunately, just as I was about to take a seat, Harry entered not so quietly. He slammed his books down and glared at the teacher. 

"Mr Potter, in the future I would prefer you not to make such a racket. I am sure you didn't just disturb me!" She gave her insufferable little laugh, and the 'loyal' idiots laughed along with her.

Harry, still glaring, nodded at the toad.

Dumbridge tutted. "Now, Harry, you say, 'Sorry professor Umbridge, it won't happen again.' Can you do that for me?"

harry chocked out the words, and the troll gave a large, ugly smile. "That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Then her piggy little eyes fell on me. "Ah, Mr Di Angelo. I was wanting to ask you where you disappeared to yesterday and most of last night."

I kept my face neutral. "I think, professor, you will find that this is none of your business." 

The toad gave a little laugh (again...argh!), "I think you will find that it is. We don't want any students running off to create some sort, of...of group..."

I noticed the rest of the students listening intently. I guess they were wondering where I had gone as well. "Well, professor, I am sure you will be relieved to hear that I wasn't off making any rebel groups. I was..." I stopped myself and thought for a second. "I was... at home."

The troll looked confused. "And where is 'home' exactly?"


The students gasped, but I didn't see why. I had an American accent, even if it wasn't very prominent. 

Dumbridge glared at me openly now. "And how exactly did you get to America, Mr Di Angelo?"

Instead of telling her, I showed the asshole. I shadow travelled behind her and leaned against the wall behind her. She looked around wildly, trying to find where I had gone. The students were laughing hysterically, even the ones who were 'loyal' to the troll were sniggering. Harry looked at me with admiration. 

She finally took the hint and looked behind her. Her face was contorted in rage, confusion, and even a bit of fear. "MR DI ANGELO YOU WILL BE HAVING A DETENTION WITH ME EVERY DAY AFTER SCHOOL UNTIL YOU LEARN SOME MANNERS!" 

That certainly shut everyone up I just smirked and nodded my head, shadow travelling back to my seat (what can you expect when the whole classroom was covered in shadows?).

I could tell that the students were very entertained. They much rather this than an hour of reading a boring book. 

"OUT!" The toad yelled. "GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!"

I smirked again and left.

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now