Reunite (Guys you will like this chapter)

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Slash, chop, block, repeat. 

The fighting seemed endless, and I had to worry about saving my own skin as well as the other children I taught. They were honestly doing better then I thought. I had made a wounded-circle, where the hurt is gathered and some of the students form a ring around them to prevent them being eaten. 

I had to run to their sides a lot, especially Harry's; not because he was a bad fighter, but because he was getting all of the powerful monsters. 

There had been no sighting of Voldewarts yet. 

I saw a 10 meter high cyclops lugging a huge celestial bronze spiked club, and screaming for blood. I heard one of the students mutter something like 'troll!' but their voice was soon lost in the battle.

I ran up to it, ignoring the lesser monsters grabbing at me. I shadow travelled up to its shoulder, and nimbly ran across its head, trying to get a strike into its thick skin. I got to the back of its neck and put all of my weight into a strike through its throat. It screamed in agony and shook its head like a bull. I had to hold onto one of its ears to hold on. I deliberately feel forwards, and on the way down, brought my sword out to slice its belly. 

"ARGHHHH!" It made one last scream before it crumbled into dust. 

I saw one of the students staring at me in awe, but I gave them a look like, 'get going!', and they dived right back into the fight.  

We were going to be overrun, I knew it.

I suddenly noticed things were getting a whole lot brighter. Harry looked up and pointed at something in the sky...

...It looked like a very shiny school bus. 

"YES! THEY'VE COME!" I scream, and the others look at me as if I had lost my mind. "CLOSE YOUR EYES, EVERYONE! IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE DISINTEGRATED!" 

Thankfully, all of the students obeyed me. A couple of monsters didn't. They were left in a pile of dust. 

The flying bus came into land and became a whole lot less bright. As the doors open, I see Percy, Annabeth, and a whole lot of other warriors fully clad in armour. 

But I don't notice them.

Blonde hair, blue eyes, big grin. I smile broadly, forgetting the battlefield, and sprint to Will. I jump into his arms, and he catches me. We start kissing passionately. 

Percy's voice brought me back to reality. "Yes, lovebirds. Come on, we have the battle to fight!"

Nico Di Angelo at Hogwarts- Darkness PrevailsWhere stories live. Discover now